Work Along with the Tutorial

To work along with the tutorial, follow the steps presented in the next five chapters. Each chapter instructs you in putting together the necessary code files. You'll add class declarations, member functions, and other pieces of code step by step. Each chapter also includes complete listings of the code, which you can use to check your work.

If you choose to follow the tutorial, make your own working directory for each example. This keeps the files you create separate from files of the same names in the example directories. Copy the appropriate makefile to your new directory (see “Makefile Locations” on page 8).

At frequent intervals, you'll find discussion sections that sum up the code you've just added to your files and explain what that code is doing. If you wish, you can skip past any of the discussion sections to continue creating your example code files, but you'll probably find the discussion sections worth pausing for.

Once you complete your files, you'll find instructions for building the program. Later sections of this chapter will show you how to build your program using the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) or using the NMAKE utility.