Using a Derived Control in a Dialog

Dialogs normally contain one or more control windows such as buttons, list boxes, and edit controls. The type and position of those controls is typically specified in a dialog template resource. If you create a derived control class as described in the previous sections, you cannot specify the derived control in a dialog template since the resource compiler does not know anything about your derived class.

·To place a derived control in a dialog:

1.Embed an object of the derived control class in the declaration of your derived dialog class, as shown in the following class declaration.

class CMyDialog : public CDialog {protected: CNumEdit m_numEdit;

public: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); };

2.Override the OnInitDialog message-handler function in your dialog class to call Create for the derived control that you embedded in your dialog box. A sample OnInitDialog is shown here:

BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()


// create the derived control

RECT r; = 50;

r.bottom = 75;

r.left = 20;

r.right = 120;

m_numEdit.Create( WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP |





// other initialization tasks...

return TRUE;


Because the derived controls are embedded in the dialog, they will be automatically destroyed when the dialog is destroyed.