Switches to the first file in the active window's file history. If there are no files in the file history, PWB displays the message No alternate file. When the Autosave switch is set to yes, PWB saves the current file if it has been modified.
Setfile does not honor the Newwindow switch. To open a new window when you open a file, use Openfile.
Arg Setfile (ALT+A F2)
Switches to the filename that begins at the cursor and ends with the first blank character.
Arg textarg Setfile (ALT+A textarg F2)
Switches to the file specified by textarg. If the file is not already open, PWB opens it. You can use environment-variable specifiers in the argument.
If the argument is a drive or directory name, PWB changes the current drive or directory to the specified one and displays a message to confirm the change. See: Infodialog.
Arg !number Setfile (ALT+A !number F2)
If the argument has the form !number, PWB switches to the file with that number in the file history. The number can be from 1 to 9, inclusive. See: _pwbfilen.
Arg wildcard Setfile (ALT+A wildcard F2)
If the argument is a wildcard, PWB creates a pseudofile containing a list of files that match the pattern. To open a file from this list, position the cursor at the beginning of the name and execute Arg Openfile (ALT+A F10) or Arg Setfile (ALT+A F2).
Meta ... Setfile (F9 ... F2)
As above but does not save the changes to the current file.
Arg Arg Setfile (ALT+A ALT+A F2)
Saves the current file.
Arg Arg textarg Setfile (ALT+A ALT+A textarg F2)
Saves the current file under the name specified by textarg.
TrueFile opened successfully.
FalseNo alternate file, the specified file does not exist, and you did not wish to create it; or the current file needs to be saved and cannot be saved.