The /PACKD Option



The /PACKD option turns on data-segment packing. The linker considers any segment definition with a class name that does not end in CODE as a data segment. Adjacent data-segment definitions are combined into the same physical segment. The linker stops adding segments to a group when it cannot add another segment without exceeding number bytes. It then starts a new group. The default segment size without /PACKD (or when /PACKD is specified without number) is 65,536 bytes (64K).

The /PACKD option produces slightly faster and more compact code. It affects only programs with multiple data segments and is valid only for segmented executable files. It might be necessary to use the /PACKD option to get around the limit of 254 physical data segments per executable file imposed by an operating system. Try using /PACKD if you get the following LINK error:

L1073 file-segment limit exceeded

This option may not be safe with other compilers that do not generate fixup records for all far data references.