H4000 |
keyword compression analysis table size exceeded
no further new words will be analyzed |
The maximum number (16,000) of unique keywords has been encountered during keyword compression. This happens only in very large Help files. No further keywords will be included in the analysis. HELPMAKE continues to analyze how frequently words occur that it has already encountered. |
H4002 |
reference to undefined local context |
A string specifying a local context was used in a cross-reference but was not defined in a .context statement. |
A local context begins with an at sign (@). Each local context that is used must be defined in a .context statement in one of the input files to HELPMAKE. |
H4003 |
negative left indent |
Topic text in an RTF file was formatted with a left indent to a position to the left of column 1. HELPMAKE deleted all text preceding column 1. |