Compiler Error Messages

Number Compiler Error Message

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  The compiler detected an unknown error condition.
  Note the circumstances of the error and notify Microsoft Corporation by following the instructions in the Microsoft Product Assistance Request form at the back of one of your manuals.
C2001 newline in constant
  A string constant was continued on a second line without either a backslash (\) or closing and opening double quotation marks (").
  To break a string constant that is on two lines in the source file, do one of the following:

End the first line with the line-continuation character, a backslash.

Close the string on the first line with a double quotation mark, and open the string on the next line with another quotation mark.

  It is not sufficient to end the first line with \n, the escape sequence for embedding a newline character in a string constant.
  The following are examples of incorrect and correct usage:

printf("Hello, // error


printf("Hello,\n // error


printf("Hello,\ // OK


printf("Hello," // OK

" world");

  Note that any spaces at the beginning of the next line after a line-continuation character are included in the string constant and that neither solution actually places a newline character into the string constant. The following examples embed this character:









C2002 invalid wide-character constant
  The use of the multibyte-character constant was not legal.
  This error can be caused if a wide character contains more bytes than expected.
  Wide characters cannot be concatenated with ordinary string literals and cannot be used if the standard header, STDDEF.H, is not included.
  Wide-character strings and constants must be preceded by the character L.
  The following example shows a wide-character constant:


  Wide characters are not supported in C.
C2003 expected defined id
  An identifier was expected after the specified preprocessing keyword.
C2004 expected defined(id)
  An identifier was expected after the left parenthesis following the specified preprocessing keyword.
C2005 #line expected a line number, found token
  A #line directive lacked the required line-number specification.
C2006 #include expected a filename, found token
  An #include directive lacked the required filename specification.
C2007 #define syntax
  An identifier was expected following #define in a preprocessing directive.
C2008 character : unexpected in macro definition
  The given character was found immediately following the name of the macro.
C2009 reuse of macro formal identifier
  The given identifier was used more than once in the formal parameter list of a macro definition.
C2010 character : unexpected in macro formal parameter list
  The given character was used incorrectly in the formal parameter list of a macro definition.
C2011 identifier : type type redefinition
  The specified identifier was already defined as type type.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S;

union S;

C2012 missing name following '<'
  An #include directive lacked the required filename specification.
C2013 missing '>'
  The closing angle bracket (>) was missing from a #include directive.
C2014 preprocessor command must start as first nonwhite-space
  Nonwhite-space characters appeared before the number sign (#) of a preprocessor directive on the same line.
C2015 too many characters in constant
  A character constant contained more than two characters.
  Character constants are limited to one character (standard charcter constants) or two characters (long character constants).
  Note that an escape sequence (for example, \t for tab) is converted to a single character.
C2016 no closing single quotation mark
  A newline character was found before the closing single quotation mark of a character constant.
C2017 illegal escape sequence
  An escape sequence appeared where one was not expected.
  An escape sequence (a backslash, \, followed by a number or letter) may occur only in a character or string constant.
C2018 unknown character hexnumber
  The ASCII character corresponding to the given hexadecimal number appeared in the source file but is an illegal character.
  One possible cause of this error is corruption of the source file.
C2019 expected preprocessor directive, found character
  The given character followed a number sign (#), but it was not the first letter of a preprocessor directive.
C2020 member : class member redefinition
  The specified member of the specified base class or structure was redefined.
  A function inherited from a base class or structure cannot be redefined.
  If the function is redefined in the derived class, it should be declared as virtual in the base class.
C2021 expected exponent value, not character
  The given character was used as the exponent of a floating-point constant but was not a valid number.
C2022 number : too big for character
  The octal number following a backslash (\) in a character or string constant was too large to be represented as a character.
C2023 divide by 0
  The expression resulted in a division by zero.
C2024 mod by 0
  The expression resulted in a modulo 0 operation.
C2025 identifier : enum/struct/union type redefinition
  The given identifier had already been used for an enumeration, structure, or union tag.
C2026 string too big, trailing characters truncated
  The string was longer than the limit of 2048 characters.
  After adjacent strings are concatenated, a string cannot be longer than 2048 characters.
C2027 use of undefined type identifier
  The specified type was not defined.
  A type cannot be used until it is defined.
C2028 struct/union member needs to be inside a struct/union
  Structure or union member must be declared within the structure or union, respectively.
C2030 identifier : struct/union member redefinition
  The identifier was used for more than one member of the same structure or union.
C2032 identifier : function cannot be member of struct/union identifier
  The specified structure or union was declared with a member function.
  Member functions are allowed in C++ but not in C.
C2033 identifier : bit field cannot have indirection
  The given bit field was declared as a pointer (*), which is not allowed.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


int *b : 1; // error


C2034 identifier : type of bit field too small for number of bits
  The number of bits specified in the bit-field declaration exceeded the number of bits in the given base type.
C2036 identifier class-key : unknown size
  The address of the specified undeclared identifier was used.
  The size of an undeclared object cannot be used.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct A* pA;

struct B { int i; };

B* pB;

void main()


pA++; // error, size of A not known

pB++; // OK, B has been declared


C2037 left of operator specifies undefined struct/union identifier
  The expression before the member-selection operator ( –> or .) identified a structure or union type that was not defined.
C2039 identifier : not struct/union member
  A nonmember of a structure or union was incorrectly used.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


int mem0;

} *pS;

void main()


pS->mem1 = 0; // error, mem1 is not a member

pS->mem0 = 0; // OK


C2040 operator : different levels of indirection
  An expression involving the specified operator had inconsistent levels of indirection.
  If both operands are of arithmetic type or if both are not (such as array or pointer), then they are used without change. However, the compiler may DS-extend one of the operands if one is __far and the other is __near. If one operand is arithmetic, but the other is not, the arithmetic operator is converted to the type of the other operator.
C2041 illegal digit character for base number
  The specified character was not a legal digit for the base that was used.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i = 081; // error, 8 is not a legal digit

int i = 071; // OK

C2042 signed/unsigned keywords mutually exclusive
  The keywords signed and unsigned were both used in a single declaration.
  The following is an example of this error:

unsigned signed int i; // error

C2043 illegal break
  A break statement is legal only within a do, for, while, or switch statement.
C2044 illegal continue
  A continue statement is legal only within a do, for, or while statement.
C2045 identifier : label redefined
  The label appeared before more than one statement in the same function.
C2046 illegal case
  The keyword case can appear only within a switch statement.
C2047 illegal default
  The keyword default can appear only within a switch statement.
C2048 more than one default
  A switch statement contained more than one default label.
C2049 case value value already used
  The case value was already used in this switch statement.
  This error can be caused by enumerations or macros that evaluate to the same value.
C2050 nonintegral switch expression
  A switch expression did not evaluate to an integral value.
C2051 case expression not constant
  Case expressions must be integral constants.
C2052 case expression not integral
  Case expressions must be integral constants.
C2053 identifier : wide string mismatch
  The specified wide string was assigned to an incompatible type.
  The following is an example of this error:

char array[] = L"Rika";

C2054 expected '(' to follow identifier
  The context requires parentheses after the function identifier.
  One cause of this error is omitting an equal sign (=) on a complex initialization, as in:

int array1[] { 1, 2, 3 }; // error, missing =

int array2[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; // OK

C2055 expected formal parameter list, not a type list
  A parameter type list instead of a formal parameter list appeared in a function definition.
  In ANSI C, the formal parameters in a function definition must all be named unless they are void or an ellipsis (...).
C2056 illegal expression
  An expression was illegal because of a previous error, which may not have produced an error message.
C2057 expected constant expression
  The context requires a constant expression.
C2058 constant expression is not integral
  The context requires an integral constant expression.
C2059 syntax error : token
  The token caused a syntax error.
C2060 syntax error : end of file found
  At least one more token was expected.
  Causes of this error include omitting a semicolon (;), as in:

int *p // error

  or omitting a closing brace (}) from the last function, as in:


{ // error

C2061 syntax error : identifier identifier
  The identifier caused a syntax error.
C2062 type type unexpected
  The compiler did not expect the given type to appear here, possibly because it already had a required type.
  This error can also be caused by a missing semicolon.
C2063 identifier : not a function
  The given identifier was not declared as a function but was used as a function.
  The following example in C generates this error:

int i, j;

j = i(); // error, i is not a function

C2064 term does not evaluate to a function
  A call was made to a function through an expression that did not evaluate to a function pointer.
  This error is probably caused by attempting to call a nonfunction.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i, j;

char* p;

void func()


j = i(); // error, i is not a function

p(); // error, p doesn't point to a function


C2065 identifier : undeclared identifier
  The specified identifier was not declared.
  A variable's type must be specified in a declaration before it can be used. The parameters that a function uses must be specified in a declaration before the function can be used.
  This error can be caused if an include file containing the required declaration was omitted.
C2066 cast to function type is illegal
  An object was cast to a function type, which is illegal.
  In ANSI C, it is not legal to cast between a pointer to a function and a pointer to data.
C2067 cast to array type is illegal
  An object was cast to an array type.
C2068 illegal cast
  A type used in a cast operation was not legal for this expression.
C2069 cast of void term to nonvoid
  A term of type void was cast to a different type.
  Type void cannot be cast to any other type.
C2070 illegal sizeof operand
  The operand of a sizeof expression was not an expression or a type name.
C2071 identifier : illegal storage class
  The named identifier was declared with an illegal storage class.
C2072 identifier : initialization of a function
  An initializer for a function was illegally specified.
C2073 identifier : partially initialized array requires a default constructor
  An array of user-defined types or an array of consts was specified with too few initializers.
  If an explicit initializer (and its corresponding constructor) is not specified for a member of an array, then a default constructor must be supplied.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



A( int ); // constructor for ints only


A a[3] = { A(1), A(2) }; // error, no default constructor

class B



B(); // default constructor declared

B( int );


B b[3] = { B(1), B(2) }; // OK

C2074 identifier : class-key initialization needs curly braces
  There were no curly braces ({}) around the specified class, structure, or union initializer.
C2075 identifier : array initialization needs curly braces
  There were no curly braces ({}) around the specified array initializer.
C2077 nonscalar field initializer identifier
  An attempt was made to initialize a bit-field member of a structure with a non-scalar value.
C2078 too many initializers
  The number of initializers exceeded the number of objects to be initialized.
C2079 identifier uses undefined class/struct/union name
  The specified identifier was declared as a class, structure, or union that was not defined.
  This error can be caused by initializing an anonymous union.
C2080 illegal __far __fastcall function
  If stack checking is enabled, a __far __fastcall function cannot be compiled with the /Gw or /Gq option.
C2082 redefinition of formal parameter identifier
  A formal parameter to a function was redeclared within the function body.
C2083 struct/union comparison illegal
  A structure or union was directly compared with another user-defined type.
  A user-defined type cannot be compared with another user-defined type unless a comparison operator has been defined or unless a conversion to a scalar type exists.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct A


int i;

} a, b;

void func()


if( a == b ); // error, structure comparison


C2084 function function already has a body
  The function has already been defined.
C2085 identifier : not in formal parameter list
  The identifier was declared in a function definition but not in the formal parameter list.
  A common cause of this error is the omission of a semicolon (;) at the end of a function prototype, as in:

void func1( void )

void main( void )



  With the semicolon missing, func1() is taken to be a function definition, not a prototype. This means the function main() is being defined within func1(). Error C2085 is generated for the identifier main.
  This is an error in ANSI C only.
C2086 identifier : redefinition
  The given identifier was defined more than once, or a subsequent declaration differed from a previous one.
  The following examples generate this error:

int a;

char a;






int a;

int a;


  The following is an error in C++ but not in ANSI C:

int a;

int a;




C2087 identifier : missing subscript
  The definition of an array with multiple subscripts was missing a subscript value for a dimension other than the first dimension.
  The following is an example of this error:

int func(a)

char a[10][]; // error

{ }

int func(a)

char a[][5]; // OK

{ }

C2088 operator : illegal for class-key
  The specified operator was not defined for the class, structure, or union.
  This error can be eliminated by defining a conversion to convert the operands to the type for which the operator is defined. Alternatively, an overloaded conversion operator can be defined.
  An example of this error and two solutions are:

class A



int i;

} a;

int i = 1 + a; // this line causes the error

class B



operator int() { return i; }

int i;

} b;

int j = 1 + b; // OK, uses conversion operator

class C



int operator+( int j ) { return (j+i); } // solution

int i;

} c;

int k = c + 1; // OK, uses overloaded operator+

int i = 1 + c; // still an error, no conversion

// operator defined for class C

  Note that the last line requires that a conversion operator be defined since overloaded operators cannot be defined for built-in types.
C2089 identifier : class-key too large
  The specified structure or union was larger than 64K.
  A structure or union cannot be larger than 64K.
C2090 function returns array
  A function cannot return an array. It can return a pointer to an array.
C2091 function returns function
  A function cannot return a function. It can return a pointer to a function.
C2092 array element type cannot be function
  Arrays of functions are not allowed. Arrays of pointers to functions are allowed.
C2093 cannot use address of automatic variable as static initializer
  The program tried to use the address of an automatic variable in the initializer of a static item, as in the following example:



int i;

static int *ip=&i; // error


C2094 label identifier was undefined
  A goto label was found, but the specified label did not exist in the same function.
C2095 function : actual parameter has type void : parameter number
  An attempt was made to pass a void parameter to a function. The given number indicates which parameter was in error.
  Formal parameters and parameters to functions cannot have type void. They can, however, have type void * (pointer to void).
C2097 illegal initialization
  One of the following was illegally attempted:

Initialization of a variable using a nonconstant value

Initialization of a short address with a long address

Initialization of a local structure, union, or array with a nonconstant expression when compiling with /Za

Initialization with an expression containing a comma operator (,)

Initialization with an expression that is neither constant nor symbolic

C2098 nonaddress expression
  An address was expected as the initialization expression.
C2099 nonconstant initializer
  The initializer was not a constant.
  The following is an example of this error when compiled as C:

int i, j;

int *p;

j = i(); // error, i() is not constant

j = *p; // error, *p is not a constant

C2100 illegal indirection
  The indirection operator (*) was applied to a nonpointer value.
C2101 '&' on constant
  The address-of operator (&) did not have an l-value as its operand.
C2102 '&' requires l-value
  The address-of operator (&) must be applied to an l-value expression.
C2103 '&' on register variable
  An attempt was made to use the address of a register variable.
C2104 '&' on bit field ignored
  An attempt was made to use the address of a bit field.
C2105 operator needs l-value
  The given operator did not have an l-value operand.
C2106 operator : left operand must be l-value
  The left operand of the given operator was not an l-value.
C2107 illegal index; indirection not allowed
  A subscript was applied to an expression that did not evaluate to a pointer.
C2108 nonintegral index
  A nonintegral expression was used in an array subscript.
C2109 subscript on nonarray
  A subscript was used on a variable that was not an array.
C2110 pointer + pointer
  An attempt was made to add one pointer to another using the plus operator (+).
C2111 pointer + nonintegral value
  An attempt was made to add a nonintegral value to a pointer using the plus operator (+).
C2112 illegal pointer subtraction
  An attempt was made to subtract pointers that did not point to the same type.
C2113 pointer subtracted from nonpointer
  The right operand in a subtraction operation using the minus operator () was a pointer, but the left operand was not.
C2114 operator : pointer on left; needs integral value on right
  The left operand of the given operator was a pointer. Therefore, the right operand must be an integral value.
C2115 identifier : incompatible types
  An expression contained incompatible types.
C2116 function parameter lists differed
  The parameters in the default parameter list did not match the formal parameter list.
C2118 negative subscript
  A value defining an array size was negative.
C2119 typedef types both define indirection
  Two typedef types were used to declare an item, and both typedef types had indirection.
  For example, the declaration of p in the following example is illegal:

typedef int *p_int;

typedef short *p_short;

p_short p_int p; // error

C2120 void illegal with all types
  The void type was used in a declaration with another type.
C2121 operator : bad left/right operand
  The left or right operand of the given operator was illegal for that operator.
C2122 identifier : prototype parameter in name list illegal
  The specified parameter was not a legal type.
  User-defined types are not supported in ANSI C.
C2123 function1 : cannot call __fastcall function function2 from p-code
  There was an attempt to call a fastcall function from within a p-code function.
  Rebuild function2 with a different calling convention, or turn off p-code generation for function1 by using #pragma optimize( "q", off ).
C2124 divide or mod by zero
  A constant expression was evaluated and found to have a zero denominator.
C2125 identifier : allocation exceeds 64K
  The given item exceeded the size limit of 64K.
C2126 operand : incorrect operand
  The specified operator was used on an enumeration.
  The increment and decrement operators (++ and ––) are not defined for enumerated types.
C2127 parameter allocation exceeds 32K
  The storage space required for the parameters to a function exceeded the limit of 32K.
C2128 function : no function with C linkage found
  The specified function was not found.
  This error is caused by omitting the file containing the function definition from the project list or makefile, by not defining the function within the file scope, or by omitting the keyword extern in the function prototype.
C2129 static function function declared but not defined
  A forward reference was made to a static function that was never defined.
  A function declared with static linkage must be defined within file scope. If the function is defined in another file, it should be declared with the keyword extern.
C2130 #line expected a string containing the filename; found token
  The optional token following the line number on a #line directive was not a string.
C2131 more than one memory attribute
  More than one memory attribute ( __near, __far, __huge, or __based) was applied to an item, as in the following example:

typedef int __near nint;

nint __far a; // error

C2132 syntax error : unexpected identifier
  An identifier appeared in a syntactically illegal context.
C2133 identifier : unknown size
  An unsized array was declared as a member of a class, structure, union, or enumeration.
  Unsized member arrays are not allowed when the /Za (ANSI) switch has been chosen.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct X


int a[0]; // error, unsized array


C2134 identifier : struct/union too large
  The size of a structure or union exceeded the compiler limit of 64K.
C2135 identifier : illegal bit-field operation
  The address of the specified bit field was taken.
  The address-of operator (&) cannot be applied to a bit field.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


int i : 1;

int j;


void main()


&S::i; // error, address of a bit field

&S::j; // OK


C2136 function : prototype must have parameter types
  A function prototype declaration had formal parameter names, but no types were provided for the parameters.
  A formal parameter in a function prototype must either have a type or be represented by an ellipsis (...) to indicate a variable number of parameters and no type checking.
  One cause of this error is a misspelling of a type name in a prototype that does not provide the names of the formal parameters.
C2137 empty character constant
  The illegal empty character constant ('') was used.
C2139 type following identifier is illegal
  Two types were used in the same declaration, as in:

int double a;

C2140 parameter cannot be function type
  A function was illegally declared as a formal parameter of another function.
C2141 value out of range for enum constant
  An enumeration constant had a value outside the range of values allowed for an integer type.
C2142 function declarations differ; variable parameters specified only in one of them
  One declaration of the function contained a variable parameter list, but another declaration did not.
  This causes an error in C when the /Za (ANSI) switch is chosen.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func();

void func( int, ... );

C2143 syntax error : missing token1 before token2
  The compiler expected token1 to appear before token2.
  This error can be caused by a missing closing brace (}), right parenthesis, or semicolon (;). The missing token may belong on the line above where the error was detected.
  This error can also be caused by an invalid tag in a class declaration.
  The following are examples of this error:

class X


int member

} x; // error, missing ; on previous line

class + {}; // error, + is invalid tag name

C2144 syntax error : missing token before type type
  The compiler expected the given token to appear before the given type name.
  This error can be caused by a missing closing brace (}), right parenthesis, or semicolon (;).
C2145 syntax error : missing token before identifier
  The compiler expected the given token to appear before an identifier.
  This error can be caused by a missing semicolon (;) after the last declaration in a block.
C2146 syntax error : missing token before identifier identifier
  The compiler expected the given token to appear before the given identifier.
C2148 array too large
  An array exceeded the maximum legal size of 64K.
  Either reduce the size of the array or declare it with __huge.
C2149 identifier : named bit field cannot have zero width
  The given named bit field had zero width. Only unnamed bit fields are allowed to have zero width.
C2150 identifier : bit field must have type int, signed int, or unsigned int
  The ANSI C standard requires bit fields to have types of int, signed int, or unsigned int. This message appears only when compiling with the /Za option.
C2151 more than one language attribute
  More than one keyword specifying a calling convention (__cdecl, __fortran, __pascal, or __fastcall) for a function was given.
C2152 identifier : pointers to functions with different attributes
  An attempt was made to assign a pointer to a function declared with one calling convention (__cdecl, __fortran, __pascal, or __fastcall) to a pointer to a function declared with a different calling convention.
C2153 hex constants must have at least one hex digit
  The hexadecimal constants 0x, 0X, and \x are illegal. At least one hexadecimal digit must follow the x or X.
C2154 segment : does not refer to a segment name
  A segment must be allocated when a based variable is declared unless it is extern and uninitialized.
C2156 pragma must be outside function
  A pragma that must be specified at a global level (that is, outside a function body) occurred within a function.
  The following is an example of this error:



#pragma optimize( "l", on )


C2157 function : must be declared before use in pragma list
  The function name in the list of functions for an alloc_text pragma has not been declared prior to being referenced in the list.
C2158 identifier : is a function
  The given identifier was specified in the list of variables in a same_seg pragma but was previously declared as a function.
C2159 more than one storage class specified
  A declaration contained more than one storage class, as in:

extern static int i; // error

C2160 ## cannot occur at the beginning of a macro definition
  A macro definition began with a token-pasting operator (##), as in:

#define mac(a,b) ##a

C2161 ## cannot occur at the end of a macro definition
  A macro definition ended with a token-pasting operator (##), as in:

#define mac(a,b) a##

C2162 expected macro formal parameter
  The token following a stringizing operator (#) was not a formal parameter name.
  The following is an example of this error:

#define print(a) printf(#b)

C2163 function : not available as an intrinsic function
  A function specified in the list of functions for an intrinsic or function pragma is not one of the functions available in intrinsic form.
C2164 function : intrinsic function not declared
  The given function was not declared before being used in an intrinsic pragma. This error appears only when compiling with the /Oi option.
C2165 keyword : cannot modify pointers to data
  The __fortran, __pascal, __cdecl, or __fastcall keyword was used illegally to modify a pointer to data, as in the following example:

char __pascal *p;

C2166 l-value specifies const object
  An attempt was made to modify an item declared with const type.
C2167 function : too many actual parameters for intrinsic function
  A reference to a function declared as intrinsic contained too many actual parameters.
C2168 function : too few actual parameters for intrinsic function
  A reference to a function declared as intrinsic contained too few actual parameters.
C2169 function : intrinsic function; cannot be defined
  An attempt was made to provide a function definition for a function already declared as an intrinsic.
C2170 identifier : not declared as a function; cannot be intrinsic
  The intrinsic pragma was used for an item other than a function or for a function that does not have an intrinsic form.
C2171 operator : illegal operand
  The given unary operator was used with an illegal operand type, as in the following example:

int (*fp)();

double d, d1;

fp++; // error

d = ~d1; // error

C2172 function : actual parameter is not a pointer : parameter number
  An attempt was made to pass an parameter that was not a pointer to a function that expected a pointer. The given number indicates which parameter was in error.
C2173 function : actual parameter is not a pointer : parameter number1, parameter list number2
  An attempt was made to pass a nonpointer parameter to a function that expected a pointer.
  This error occurs in calls that return a pointer to a function. The first number indicates which parameter was in error; the second number indicates which parameter list contained the invalid parameter.
C2174 function : actual parameter has type void : parameter number1, parameter list
  An attempt was made to pass a void parameter to a function. Formal parameters and parameters to functions cannot have type void. They can, however, have type void* (pointer to void).
  This error occurs in calls that return a pointer to a function. The first number indicates which parameter was in error; the second number indicates which parameter list contained the invalid parameter.
C2176 static huge data not supported by identifier
  A huge array was declared in a p-code function.
  Arrays declared using __huge are not allowed in p-code functions.
C2177 constant too big
  A constant value was too large to be represented in the type to which it was assigned.
C2178 identifier : storage class for same_seg variables must be extern
  The given variable was specified in a same_seg pragma, but the variable was not declared with extern storage class.
C2179 identifier : was used in same_seg, but storage class is no longer extern
  The given variable was specified in a same_seg pragma, but the variable was redeclared with a storage class other than extern.
C2180 controlling expression has type void
  The controlling expression in an if, while, for, or do statement was either a function with void return type or an expression cast to void.
C2182 identifier : has type void
  The given variable was declared with the keyword void, which can be used only in function declarations.
C2184 illegal return of a void value
  The function did not return a value.
  The function was declared as returning a nonvoid value, but the return statement did not return a value.
C2185 identifier : illegal based allocation
  A based-allocated variable that explicitly has extern storage class and is uninitialized cannot have any of the following bases:

(__segment) & var

__segment ("_STACK")

(__segment) __self


  If the variable does not explicitly have extern storage class or is initialized, then its base must use __segname("string") where string is any segment name or reserved segment name except _STACK.
C2186 operand : illegal operand of type void
  The specified operator had a void operand.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func1( void );

int func2( void );

int i = 2 + func1(); // error, func1() is type void

int j = 2 + func2(); // OK, both operands are type int

C2187 cast of near function pointer to far function pointer
  A near function pointer was cast to a far function pointer.
  This cast is not allowed.
C2188 number : too big for wide character
  The given number is too large to be held in the wide-character type.
  Choose a larger type to hold the given value.
C2189 #error : string
  An #error directive was encountered.
  The string is the descriptive text supplied in the directive.
C2190 first parameter list longer than second
  The function was declared a second time with a shorter parameter list.
  C does not support overloaded functions.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int, float );

void func( int, ); // error, different parameter list

C2191 second parameter list longer than first
  The function was declared a second time with a longer parameter list.
  C does not support overloaded functions.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int );

void func( int, float ); // error, different parameter list

C2192 parameter number declaration different
  The function was declared a second time with a different parameter list.
  C does not support overloaded functions.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( float, int );

void func( int, float ); // error, different parameter list

C2193 identifier : already in a segment
  A variable in the same_seg pragma has already been allocated in a segment, using __based.
C2194 segment : is a text segment
  The given text segment was used where a data, const, or BSS segment was expected.
C2195 segment : is a data segment
  The given data segment was used where a text segment was expected.
C2197 identifier : too many actual parameters
  The specified function was called with too many parameters, or the function declaration was incorrect.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int );



func( 1, 2 ); // error, two actual parameters


C2198 identifier : too few actual parameters
  The specified function was called with too few parameters, or the function declaration was incorrect.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int, int );



func( 1 ); // error, only one actual parameter


C2199 syntax error : found identifier ( at global scope (was a declaration intended?)
  The specified context caused a syntax error.
  This error can be caused by incorrect declaration syntax.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S



int i;

S( int si ) { i = si; }


S(1) s; // error, incorrect syntax

S s(1); // OK

C2200 function : function has already been defined
  A function name passed as an parameter in an alloc_text pragma has already been defined.
C2201 function : storage class must be extern
  A function declaration appeared within a block, but the function was not declared as extern. This causes an error if the /Za ANSI-compatibility option is in effect.
  The following example causes this error when compiled with /Za:



static int func1(); // error


C2202 function : not all control paths return a value
  The specified function can potentially not return a value.
  The following is an example of this error:

int func1( int i )


if( i ) return 3; // error, nothing returned if i = 0


int func2( int i )


if( i ) return 3;

else return 0; // OK, always returns a value


C2203 delete operator cannot specify bounds for an array
  The delete operator can only delete an entire array; it cannot delete parts or specific members of the array. This error is generated only with the /Za ANSI-compatibility option.
  This was not an error in C++ 2.0 but is an error in C++ 2.1.
  The following statement generates this error:

delete [4] ArrayOfObjects; // error

C2204 identifier : type definition found within parentheses
  The specifed type was defined in prototype scope or as an operand.
  The following is an example of this error:

( struct S {}; ); // error

C2205 identifier : cannot initialize extern variables with block scope
  A variable with extern storage class cannot be initialized in a function.
C2206 function : typedef cannot be used for function definition
  A typedef was used to define a function type.
  For example:

typedef int functyp();

functyp func1 {}; // error

C2207 member in struct/union tag has a zero-sized array
  The given member in the structure or union contains an array that does not have a subscript or that has a zero subscript. This kind of array is legal only as the last member of a structure or union.
C2208 type : no members defined using this type
  An enumeration, structure, or union was defined without any members. This is an error only when compiling with /Za; otherwise, it is a warning.
C2209 type cast in __based construct must be (__segment)
  Only type __segment can be used within a cast in a __based declarator.
C2210 identifier : must be near/far data pointer
  The base in a __based declarator must be a near or far data pointer and cannot be an array, function, or based pointer.
C2211 (__segment) applied to function identifier function
  A function cannot be cast in a __based declarator.
C2212 identifier : __based not available for pointers to functions
  Based pointers cannot be used to point to functions. Function pointers can be __near or __far only.
C2213 identifier : illegal parameter to __based
  The parameter used as a base must have type __segment or be a near or far pointer.
C2214 pointers based on void require the use of :>
  A based pointer based on void cannot be dereferenced. Use the base operator (:>) to create an address that can be dereferenced.
C2215 :> operator only for objects based on void
  The right operand of the base operator (:>) must be a pointer based on void, as in:

char __based( void ) *cbvpi;

C2216 attribute1 cannot be used with attribute2
  The given function attributes are incompatible.
  Some combinations of attributes that cause this error are:

__saveregs and __interrupt

__fastcall and __saveregs

__fastcall and __interrupt

__fastcall and __export

C2217 attribute1 must be used with attribute2
  The first function attribute requires the use of the second attribute.
  Some causes for this error include:

An interrupt function explicitly declared as near. Interrupt functions must be declared as far.

An interrupt function that is declared with the __fortran, __pascal, or __fastcall attribute. Functions declared with the __interrupt attribute must use C calling conventions.

A function with a variable number of parameters that is declared with the __fortran, __pascal, or __fastcall attribute. These functions must use C calling conventions. Remove the __fortran, __pascal, or __fastcall attribute from the function declaration.

C2218 type in __based construct must be void
  The only type allowed in a __based construct is void.
C2219 syntax error : type qualifier must be after '*'
  Either const or volatile appeared where a type or qualifier is not permitted, as in:

int (const *p);

C2220 warning treated as error—no object file generated
  When the compiler option /WX is used, the first warning generated by the compiler causes this error message to be displayed.
  Either correct the condition that caused the warning or compile at a lower warning level or without /WX.
C2221 '.' : left operand points to class/struct/union; use '–>'
  The left operand of the member-of operator (.) must be a class, (or structure or union) but not a pointer to a class type.
  The class member access operator (–>) can be used with a pointer to a class, structure, or union.
C2222 '–>' : left operand has class/struct/union type; use '.'
  The left operand of the class member access operator (–>) must be a pointer to a class (or structure or union) type but not a class type.
  The member-of operator (.) can be used with a class, structure, or union type.
C2223 left of –>member must point to class/struct/union
  The left operand of the member access operator (–>) is not a pointer to a class, structure, or union type.
  This error can occur when the left operand is an undefined variable. Undefined variables have type int.
C2224 left of .member must have class/struct/union type
  The left operand of the member-of operator (.) is not a class, structure, or union type.
  This error can occur when the left operand is an undefined variable. Undefined variables have type int.
C2226 syntax error : unexpected type type
  A syntax error occured before, or in, the given type specifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

int func1( int, ... , float ); // error, misplaced ellipsis

int func2( int, float, ... ); // OK

C2227 left of –>identifier must point to class/struct/union
  The left side of the specified class member access operator (–>) was not a pointer to a class, structure, or union.
  The following is an example of this error:

int *pInt;

struct S



int member;

} *pS;

void main()


pInt->member = 0; // error, pInt points to an int

pS->member = 0; // OK, pS points to a structure S


C2228 left of .identifier must have class/struct/union type
  The left side of the specified class member access operator (.) was not a class (or structure or union) type.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i;

struct S



int member;

} s, *ps;

void main()


i.member = 0; // error, i is not a class type

ps.member = 0; // error, ps is a pointer to a structure

s.member = 0; // OK, s is a structure type

ps->member = 0; // OK, ps points to a structure S


C2229 type identifier has an illegal zero-sized array
  The specified member of the structure or bit field contained a zero-sized array.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


int a[0]; // error, zero-sized array

int b[1]; // OK


C2230 identifier : first member of class-key is unnamed
  The first member of a bit field was unnamed.
  The first member of a bit field must be named.
C2231 '.' : left operand points to class-key; use '–>'
  The left operand to the member selection operator (.) was a pointer to a class, structure, or union.
  The left operand to the member selection operator must be a class, structure, or union.
  The following is an example of this example:

struct S



int member;

} s, *ps;

void main()


ps.member = 0; // error, ps points to structure S

ps->member = 0; // OK, ps points to a structure S

s.member = 0; // OK, s is a structure type


C2232 '–>' : left operand has class-key type; use '.'
  The class member access operator (–>) was used on a nonpointer.
  The pointer form of the class member access operator can only be used with a pointer to a class, structure, or union. The dot (.) form of the operator should be used with a class, structure, or union type.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct X


int member;

} x, *px;

void main()


x->member = 0; // error, x is not a pointer

px->member = 0; // OK, px is a pointer to an X

x.member = 0; // OK


C2234 arrays of references are illegal
  An array of references was declared.
  Since pointers to references are not allowed, arrays of references are not possible. A pointer should be used to implement the array.
C2235 ';' in formal parameter list
  A semicolon (;) was found in a formal parameter list.
  The error is usually caused by using a semicolon instead of a comma (,) to separate parameters in a formal parameter list.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int i; float f ); // error, uses semicolon

void func( int i, float f ); // OK, uses comma

C2236 unexpected class-key identifer
  The specified identifier was already defined as a type and cannot be overridden by a new user-defined type.
C2237 unexpected class-key identifier
  The specified class-key was not followed by a valid class name.
  The following is an example of this error:

class + {}; // error, + is invalid class name

C2238 unexpected token preceding token
  An incorrect token, or tokens, was found before the specified token.
  This error can be caused by an invalid name in a bit-field declaration.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct bits


int field1 : 16;

int 9 : 16; // error, 9 is not a valid name


C2239 unexpected token token following declaration of identifier
  An unexpected token was found in the specified declaration.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i 8; // error, missing =

int j = 7; // OK

C2241 identifier : member access is restricted
  There was an attempt to access a private or protected member function or data.
  If the program needs to access this member, change the object access level or make the member a friend of the function that needs to be accessed.
C2244 identifier : unable to resolve function overload
  The specified overloaded function call was ambiguous.
  The following is an example of this error:

int func( char );

int func( int );

void main ()


+func; // error, can't resolve which func to use

+func( 0 ); // OK


C2245 nonexistent function identifier specified as friend
  The specified identifier was not a function.
  Only a function can be specified as a friend.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



int i; // i is not a function

void func();


class S



friend void C::i(); // error

friend void C::func(); // OK


C2246 identifer : illegal static data member in locally defined class
  The specified member of a class, structure, or union with local scope was declared as static.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( void )


class A


static int i; // error, i is local to func



class B


static int i; // OK


C2247 identifier not accessible because class uses specifier to inherit from class
  The specified identifier was inherited from a class declared with private or protected access.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



int i;


class B : private A {}; // B inherits a private A

class C : public B {} c; // so even though C's B is public

int j = c.i; // error, i not accessible

C2248 member : cannot access specifier member declared in class class
  The specified private or protected member of a class, structure, or union was accessed.
  The member should be accessed through a member function with public access or should be declared with public access.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



int pubMemb;

void setPrivMemb( int i ) { privMemb = i; }


int protMemb;


int privMemb;

} x;

void main()


x.privMemb = 0; // error, privMemb is private

x.protMemb = 0; // error, protMemb is protected

x.pubMemb = 0; // OK, pubMemb is public

x.setPrivMemb( 0 ); // OK, uses public access function


C2249 identifier : no accessible path to specifier member declared in virtual base class
  The specified inherited member was inherited from a nonpublic virtual base class or structure.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



void privFunc( void ) {};


void pubFunc( void ) {};


class B : virtual public A {} b;

void main( void )


b.privFunc(); // error, private member of A

b.pubFunc(); // OK


C2250 identifier : ambiguous inheritance of class::member
  The derived class inherited more than one override of a virtual function of a virtual base. These overrides are ambiguous in the derived class.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct V { virtual void vf(); };

struct A : virtual V { void vf(); };

struct B : virtual V { void vf(); };

struct D : A, B {}; //error

C2252 identifier : pure specifier can only be specified for functions
  The given nonfunction was specified as pure virtual.
  Only member functions specified as virtual can be declared with a pure specifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


virtual int i = 0; // error, i is an int

virtual void func() = 0; // OK, func is a function


C2253 function : pure specifier only applies to virtual function
  The specified nonvirtual function was specified as pure virtual.
  The specifier was ignored.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



void func1() = 0; // error, not virtual

virtual void func2() = 0; // OK


C2254 function : pure specifier not allowed on friend functions
  The specified friend function was specified as pure virtual.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



friend void func1() = 0; // error, func1 is friend

void virtual func2() = 0; // OK, pure virtual

friend void func3(); // OK, friend not virtual nor

}; // pure

void func1() {};

void func3() {};

C2255 function : a friend function can only be declared in a class
  The specified function was declared with the friend specifier outside of a class, structure, or union.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



void func1();

friend void func2();


friend void func1() {}; // error

void func2() {}; // OK

C2256 illegal use of friend specifier on destructor
  The specified destructor was specified as a friend.
  A destructor cannot be specifed as a friend.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



friend ~C(); // error

~C(); // OK


C2257 p-code generation pragma not allowed without /Oq
  The "q" optimization pragma is not allowed without the /Oq p-code command-line option.
  To generate p-code from CL, use the /Oq p-code command-line option. Once the option has been set, the optimization pragmas can turn p-code generation on and off.
C2258 illegal pure syntax, must be '= 0'
  A pure virtual function was declared with incorrect syntax.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



void virtual func1() = 1; // error, not = 0

void virtual func2() = 0; // OK


C2259 class : illegal attempt to instantiate abstract class
  An object of the specified abstract class or structure was declared.
  A class (or structure) with one or more pure virtual functions cannot be instantiated. Each pure virtual function must be overridden in a derived class before objects of the derived class can be instantiated.
  The following is an example of this error:

class V



void virtual func() = 0;


class A : public V {};

class B : public V



void func();


V v; // error, V is an abstract class

A a; // error, A inherits func() as pure virtual

B b; // OK, B defines func()

C2260 function pointer cast to a data pointer
  A pointer to a function was cast to a pointer to data.
  This cast is not legal in ANSI C.
  This cast is legal in C++ and is allowed by the Microsoft extensions (using the /Ze switch).
C2261 data pointer cast to a function pointer
  A pointer to data was cast to a pointer to a function.
  This cast is not legal in ANSI C.
  This cast is legal in C++ and is allowed by the Microsoft extensions (using the /Ze switch).
C2262 identifier : cannot be destroyed
  The specified identifier was not instantiated because an appropriate destructor was not available.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


~S() __near;


S __far fs; // error, wrong memory model for destructor

class B




class D : public B {};

D d; // error, B's destructor is private

C2263 function returns pointer based on __self
  A function attempted to return a pointer based on the __self segment. Since __self refers to the code segment of the function, it is impossible to return this base to another function.
  Modify the return statement so that it returns a different type, such as a far pointer or a pointer based on void.
C2264 function : error in function definition or declaration; function not called
  Since the specified function was incorrectly defined or declared, it could not be called.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



operator int( int = 10 ); // incorrect declaration here


void main()


int i;

C c;

i = c; // error


C2268 operation : different const or volatile qualifiers
  The given operation was performed on a variable that was defined as being const or volatile. As a result, the const or volatile item could be modified without being detected by the compiler.
  This error often occurs when a pointer to an item declared as const or volatile is assigned to a pointer that was not declared as pointing to either of these type modifiers.
  The following is an example of this error:

const char *p = "abcde";

int str( char *s );

str( p );

C2269 identifier : different ambient model than base class class
  The specified derived class or structure did not explicitly specify an ambient memory model.
  A class that is derived from base classes with differing ambient memory models must specify an ambient memory model.
  The following is an example of this error:

class __far F {};

class __near N {};

class Err : F, N {}; // error

class __far NoErr : F, N {}; // OK

C2270 identifier : modifiers not allowed on nonmember functions
  The specified nonmember function was declared with a memory-model modifier.
  Only functions that are members of a class, structure, or union can have memory-model modifiers.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func1() __near; // error, nonmember function

class C



void func2() __near; // OK


C2271 operator : new/delete cannot have formal list modifiers
  The specified operator was declared with a memory-model specifier.
  A memory-model specifier cannot be specified for the new or delete operators.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


void *operator new( unsigned ) __far; // error


C2272 function : modifiers not allowed on static member functions
  The specified static member function was declared with a memory-model specifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



static void func1() __far; // error, func1 is static

void func2() __far; // OK


C2273 type : illegal as right side of –> operator
  The given type was specified on the right hand side of the class member access operator (–>).
  To access a user-defined type conversion, use the operator keyword between the –> operator and the type.
  The following is an example of this error:

i = ClassPtr->int( a ); // error

i = ClassPtr->operator int( a ); // OK

C2274 type : illegal as right side of '.' operator
  The given type was specified on the right side of the class member access operator (.).
  To access a user-defined type conversion, use the operator keyword between the dot operator (.) and the type.
  The following is an example of this error:

i = a ); // error

i = ClassName.operator int( a ); // OK

C2350 identifier is not a static member
  A nonstatic member of a class or structure was defined.
  Only a static member or member of an instance or a class or structure can be defined.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



int i;

static int s;


void main()


int C::i = 0; // error, nonstatic member

int C::s = 0; // OK, static member


c.i = 0; // OK, member of instance of C


C2351 obsolete C++ constructor initialization syntax
  A direct base class was not named in the constructor.
  The new-style initialization list for a constructor member requires each direct base class to be explicitly named, even if it is the only base class in the list.
  The following is an example of this error:

class B




B( int );


class D : public B



D( int i ) : ( i ) {} // error, B was not named

D( int i ) : B( i ) {} // OK


C2352 class::function : illegal call of nonstatic member function
  The specified nonstatic member function was called in a static member function.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



static void func1();

void func2();

static void func3()


func1(); // error, calls static func1

func2(); // OK, calls nonstatic func2



C2353 constructor : improper use of constructor initializers
  The constructor initializer syntax was incorrect.
  This error can be caused by omitting the constructor definition from a constructor initializer.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



C() : i( 10 ); // error, missing definition

C() : i( 10 ){}; // OK


int i;


C2354 reference : initialization of reference to member requires a temporary variable
  A reference to a member was initialized in a constructor.
  The member should be initialized instead of its reference.
C2355 this : can only be referenced inside nonstatic member functions
  The this pointer is only valid within nonstatic member functions. Make sure that the this pointer is being used in this context.
  The following code generates this error in global scope:

char *p = this; // error

C2356 initialization segment cannot change within translation unit
  The #pragma init_seg statement cannot be preceded by segment initialization code. The #pragma init_seg statement must precede any code and cannot be preceded by another #pragma init_seg statement.
  Move the segment initialization code to the beginning of the module. If multiple areas must be initialized, move them to seperate modules.
C2360 initialization of identifier is skipped by case label
  The specified identifier initialization can be skipped in a switch statement.
  It is illegal to jump past a declaration with an initializer unless the declaration is enclosed in a block.
  The scope of the initialized variable lasts until the end of the switch statement unless it is declared in an enclosed block within the switch statement.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( void )


int x;

switch ( x )


case 0 :

int i = 1; // error, skipped by case 1

{ int j = 1; } // OK, initialized in enclosing block

case 1 :

int k = 1; // OK, initialization not skipped



C2361 initialization of identifier is skipped by default label
  The specified identifier initialization can be skipped in a switch statement.
  It is illegal to jump past a declaration with an initializer unless the declaration is enclosed in a block.
  The scope of the initialized variable lasts until the end of the switch statement unless it is declared in an enclosed block within the switch statement.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( void )


int x;

switch (x)


case 0 :

int i = 1; // error, skipped by default

{ int j = 1; } // OK, initialized in enclosing block

default :

int k = 1; // OK, initialization not skipped



C2362 initialization of identifier is skipped by goto label
  A jump to the specified label prevented the specified identifier from being initialized.
  It is illegal to jump past a declaration with an initializer unless:

The declaration is enclosed in a block that is not entered.

The jump is from a point where the variable has already been initialized.

  The following is an example of this error:

void func()


goto label1;

int i = 1; // error, initialization skipped


int j = 1; // OK, this block is never entered




C2370 identifer : redefinition; different storage class
  The given identifier was already declared with a different storage-class specifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

extern int i;

static int i; // error

C2371 identifier : redefinition; different basic types
  The specified identifier was already declared.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i;

int i(); // error

C2372 identifier : redefinition; different types of indirection
  The given identifier was already defined with a different derived type.
  The following is an example of this error:

extern int *fp;

extern int fp[]; // error

C2373 identifier : redefinition; different type modifiers
  The specified identifier was already defined with a different type modifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

void __pascal func( void );

void __cdecl func( void ); // error

C2374 identifier : redefinition; multiple initialization
  The specified identifier was initialized more than once.
  A variable can be initialized only once.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i = 0;

int i = 1; // error

C2375 function : redefinition; different linkage
  The specified function was already declared with a different linkage specifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

extern void func( void );

static void func( void ); // error

C2377 identifier : redefinition; typedef cannot be overloaded with any other symbol
  The specified typedef identifier was redefined.
  The following is an example of this error:

typedef int i;

int i; // error

C2378 identifier : redefinition; symbol cannot be overloaded with a typedef
  The specified identifier was redefined as a typedef.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i;

typedef int i; //error

C2380 type[s] preceding identifier (constructor with return type or illegal redefinition
of current class name?)
  The specified constructor returned a value or redefined the class name.
  A constructor cannot specify a return value.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



int C(); // error, specifies an int return

int C; // error, redefinition of i

C(); // OK


C2390 identifier : incorrect storage class specifier
  The storage class was not legal for the specified identifer with global scope.
  The default storage class for this context was used in place of the illegal class.
  Correct use of storage classes include:

If the identifier is a function, it should be declared with extern storage.

If the identifier is a formal parameter or local variable, it should be declared with auto storage.

If the identifier is a global variable, it should be declared with no storage class (that is, auto storage).

  The following example generates this error:

register int i; //error

void main ()


register int j; //OK


C2400 inline syntax error in context; found token
  The given token caused a syntax error within the given context.
C2401 identifier : register must be base in context
  The register used within an indirect memory operand must be a base register in this context.
C2402 identifier : register must be index in context
  The register used within an indirect memory operand must be an index register in this context.
C2403 identifier : register must be base/index in context
  The register used within an indirect memory operand must be either a base or index register in this context.
C2404 identifier : illegal register in context
  This register in this context is illegal.
C2405 illegal short forward reference with offset
  Short forward references must refer only to a label. An additional offset cannot be used.
C2406 identifier : name undefined in context
  The identifier used with the SIZE or LENGTH operator or as a specifier with the member-selection operator (.) was not defined.
C2407 illegal float register in context
  An NDP register was specified in an illegal context.
C2408 illegal type on PTR operator in context
  The first parameter of the PTR operator was not a legal type specification.
C2409 illegal type used as operator in context
  An illegal type was used within the given context as an operator.
C2410 identifier : ambiguous member name in context
  The given identifier within the given context is a member of more than one structure or union.
  Use a structure or union specifier on the operand that caused the error. A structure or union specifier is an identifier of type struct or union, either a typedef name or a variable of the same type as the structure or union being referenced. The specifier token must be the left operand of the first member-selection operator (.) to use the operand.
C2411 identifier : illegal struct/union member in context
  Either the given identifier used with this context is not a member of a visible structure or union or the identifier is not a member of the structure or union specified with the member-selection operator (.).
C2412 identifier : case-insensitive label redefined
  The given label was defined more than once within the current function. Change the spelling of the label and its references.
C2413 token : illegal align size
  The alignment size used with the ALIGN directive was either missing or outside the valid range.
C2414 illegal number of operands
  The opcode does not support the number of operands used.
  Check an assembly-language reference manual to determine the correct number of operands for this instruction.
  It is possible that the instruction is supported with a different number of operands on a newer processor. The problem can be solved by compiling with the /G1 or /G2 option, but then only machines with the newer processor will be able to execute the extended instruction.
C2415 improper operand type
  The opcode does not use operands of this type.
  Check an assembly-language reference manual to determine the correct types of operands for this instruction.
  It is possible that the instruction is supported with additional operand types on a newer processor. The problem can be solved by compiling with the /G1 or /G2 option, but then only machines with the newer processor will be able to execute the extended instruction.
C2416 identifier : illegal opcode for processor
  The instruction is legal on a later processor but not on the current processor.
  Check an assembly-language reference manual to determine which processors support this opcode.
  The problem can be solved by compiling with the /G1 or /G2 option, but then only machines with the newer processor will be able to execute the extended instruction.
C2417 divide by zero in context
  The second parameter to the division operator (/) used within the given context is zero.
C2418 identifier : not in a register
  An inline assembler instruction referenced a variable with register storage class that was not actually allocated in a register.
  To correct this, remove the register keyword from the variable definition and make sure that this instruction is legal with a memory operand.
C2419 mod by zero in context
  The second parameter to the MOD operator used within the given context is zero.
C2420 identifier : illegal symbol in context
  The given identifier is illegal within the given context.
C2421 PTR operator used with register in context
  The PTR operator must not be used with a register operand.
C2422 illegal segment override in context
  An illegal segment override was used within the given context.
C2424 token : improper expression in context
  The given token was used to form an improper expression within the given context.
C2425 token : nonconstant expression in context
  The given token was used to form a nonconstant expression within the given context.
C2426 token : illegal operator in context
  The given token must not be used as an operator within the given context. For example, index operators cannot be nested.
C2427 identifier : jump referencing label is out of range
  A branch to the specified label is farther than allowed.
  For example, if the following example causes this error:

jz label1

inc AX

label1: inc CX

  then this error can be corrected by either removing excess code between the branch and the label or inverting the jump, as in:

jnz label2

jmp label1

label2: inc AX

label1: inc CX

C2429 label : illegal far label reference
  FAR PTR cannot be used on jumps or calls to labels. Far references to functions are allowed only if the function has been declared.
C2430 more than one index register in identifier
  More than one of the specified registers were scaled.
  The 32-bit targeted compiler supports scaled indexing, but you can only scale one register.
  The following is an example of this error:

_asm mov eax, [ebx*2+ecx*4]

C2431 illegal index register in identifier
  The ESP register was scaled or used as both the index and base register.
  The SIB encoding for the 80386 processor does not allow scaling by ESP or using ESP as both the index and base register.
  The following examples cause this error:

_asm mov ax, [ESI+2*ESP]

_asm mov ax, [esp+esp]

C2432 illegal reference to 16-bit data in identifier
  A 16-bit register was used as an index or base register.
  The 32-bit targeted compiler does not support referencing 16-bit data, which is supported by the chip using the address size prefix. This means that 16-bit registers cannot be used as index or base registers if you are compiling for 32-bit code.
  The following is an example of this error:

_asm mov eax, DWORD PTR [bx]

C2433 identifier : modifier not permitted on data declarations
  The specified modifier was used for a data declaration.
  The friend, virtual, and inline modifiers cannot be used for data declarations.
C2434 identifier : cannot convert the default parameter expression to type in formal
parameter list
  The indicated default parameter could not be converted into the type specified in the function's formal parameter list.
  This error can be caused by an incorrect function prototype or by using the wrong value for a default parameter. To use the indicated default parameter, you should define a conversion operator or a constructor that takes a single parameter of the same type as the specified default parameter.
  The following is an example of this error. Note that if the conversion operator in A is supplied, then there is no error.

class A



int i;

} a;

class B



operator int() { return i; } // conversion operator

int i;

} b;

void func1( int j = a ) {} // error, can't convert a to int

void func2( int j = b ) {} // OK

C2436 identifier : cannot initialize member functions
  A member function of the specified class was initialized.
  Unlike variables, functions cannot be initialized. This error can be caused by trying to initialize a function instead of a pointer to the function.
C2437 identifier : already initialized
  The specified identifier was already initialized.
  An object can be declared more than once but can be initialized only once.
C2438 identifier : cannot initialize static class data via constructor
  A constructor was used to initialize a static member of a class.
  Static members should be initialized in a definition outside of the class declaration.
  The following example shows how static members are initialized:

class X



static const int i;

static int j;


const int X::i = 1;

int X::j = 2;

C2439 identifier : member could not be initialized
  The indicated class, structure, or union member could not be initialized.
  This error can be caused by trying to initialize an indirect base class or structure or an inherited member of a class or structure. An inherited member should be initialized by the constructor of the class or structure.
C2440 identifier : cannot convert from type1 to type2
  The indicated object could not be converted to the required type.
  This error can be caused by converting a user-defined type to some other type without supplying a conversion operator.
  A conversion operator should be supplied as shown in the following example for the class X, which returns an integer. Note that a parameter type or a return type is not specified.

class X



int j;

} x;

class Y



operator int() { return j; } // conversion operator

int j;

} y;

void main()


int i;

i = x; // error, x cannot be converted to an int

i = y; // OK


C2441 function : cannot use inline assembly in p-code function
  There was inline assembly-language code included in the given p-code function. Inline assembly cannot be used in a p-code function.
  Turn p-code generation off for the given function by using:

#pragma optimize( "q", off )

  or move the inline assembly-language code to a separate module that is not selected for p-code generation.
C2442 p-code expression too complex for setjmp or Catch
  The setjmp function or Windows Catch function was included in a complicated expression in a p-code function. The setjmp and Catch functions can only be called from p-code with simple statements because these functions have a special meaning when called from the stack-based p-code interpreter.
  Simplify the statement containing the setjmp or Catch function call.
C2443 operand size conflict
  The instruction required operands of the same size.
  One of the operands must be changed so that both operands have the same size.
  The following is an example of this error:

short var;

void main()


__asm xchg ax,bl // error

__asm mov al,foo // error

__asm mov al,BYTE PTR var // OK


C2446 operator : no conversion between type1 and type2
  The specified types could not be converted into the type required by the operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C {};

class D {};

C aC;

D aD;

void main()


aC = aD; // error


C2447 missing function header (old-style formal list?)
  An open curly brace ({) was found at global scope without a corresponding function header.
  This error can be caused by using the old-style C-language formal list.
  Check that the function being defined has an appropriate function declaration.
  The following is an example of this error:

int c;

{} // error

C2448 identifier : function-style initializer appears to be a function definition
  The specified function definition was incorrect.
  This error can be caused by using the old-style C-language formal list.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func(c)

int c;

{} // error

C2450 switch expression of type type is illegal
  The specified switch expression evaluated to an illegal type.
  A switch expression must evaluate to an integral type or a class type that has an unambiguous conversion to an integral type.
  If the expression evaluates to a user-defined type, a conversion operator needs to be supplied.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



int i;

} x;

class Y



int i;

operator int() { return i; } // conversion operator

} y;

void main()


int j = 1;

switch ( x ) // error, x is not type int


default: ;


switch ( y ) // OK


default: ;



C2451 conditional expression of type type is illegal
  The conditional expression evaluated to an illegal type.
  The second and third operands (b and c) of the ternary operator (a ? b : c) must both be of the same type or must be able to be converted to a common type by standard conversions.
  A conditional expression can be used as an l-value only if the second and third operands are of the same type and both are l-values.
C2458 identifier : redefinition within definition
  The specified class, structure, union, or enumeration was redefined in its own declaration.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


enum i { C }; // error


C2459 identifier : is being defined; cannot add as an anonymous member
  The specified class, structure, or union was redefined in its own scope by a member of an anonymous union.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


union { int C; }; // error


C2460 identifier1 : uses identifier2, which is being defined
  The given class or structure (identifier2) was declared as a member of itself (identifier1).
  Recursive definitions of classes and structures are not allowed.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


C aC; // error


C2461 class : constructor syntax missing formal parameters
  The constructor for the given class did not specify any formal parameters. The declaration of a constructor must specify a formal parameter list in parentheses. This list can be null.
  Add a pair of parentheses after the class::class identifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


C::C; // error

C::C(); // OK


C2462 identifier : cannot define a type while using new
  A type cannot be defined in the operand field of the new operator.
  Put the type definition in a separate statement.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()


new struct S { int i; }; // error


C2463 cannot define an anonymous type while using new
  An anonymous type cannot be defined in the operand field of the new operator.
  Create a named type definition in a separate statement, then use the new operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()


new struct { int x; }; // error


C2464 identifier : cannot use new to allocate a reference
  The specified reference identifier was allocated with the new operator.
  Since references are not memory objects, the new operator cannot return a pointer to them.
  Use the standard variable declaration syntax to declare a reference.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()


new ( int& ir ); // error


C2465 cannot define an anonymous type inside parentheses
  An anonymous structure, union, or enumerated type was defined inside a parenthetical expression.
  This is illegal in C++ programs, as the definition is meaningless in function scope.
C2500 identifier1 : identifier2 is already a direct base class
  The specified class (or structure) appeared more than once in a list of base classes for a derived class.
  A class is called a direct base if it is mentioned in the base list. A class is called an indirect base if it is not a direct base but is a base class of one of the classes mentioned in the base list.
  A class cannot be specifed as a direct base class more than once. A class can be used as an indirect base class more than once.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A { };

class B : public A, public A { }; // error

class C : public A { };

class D : public A { };

class E : public C, public D { }; // OK, contains two As

C2501 identifier : missing decl specifiers
  The identifier was declared without specifying its type.
  This error occurs when a type specifier is omitted in the declaration of an identifier.
C2502 identifier : too many access modifiers on the base class
  The specified base class had more than one access modifier.
  A base class or structure can be declared with only one access modifier (public, private, or protected).
  The following is an example of this error:

class A { };

class B { };

class C : private public A { }; // error

class D : private A { }; // OK

class E : public A, private B { }; // OK

C2503 class : base classes cannot contain zero-sized arrays
  The specified base class (or structure) contained a zero-sized array.
  An array in a class must have at least one element.
C2504 class : base class undefined
  The specified base class was declared but never defined.
  This error can be caused by a missing include file or an external base class that was not declared with the extern specifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A; // error, A is undefined

class A {}; // OK, A is defined

class B : public A {}; // the error is detected here

C2505 identifier : is not a legal base class
  The specified identifier was not a class (or structure) but was used to derive a class.
  A class can be derived only from classes. This error can be caused by naming a variable or type in the base class list.
  The following is an example of this error:

class B { };

class D : public B { }; // OK, D is derived from B

typedef int I;

class E : public I { }; // error, I is not a class

C2506 class::identifier : ambiguous
  The specified name referred to more than one class member.
  To access a base class or structure, an expression must refer to one unique function, object, type, or enumerator. The scope resolution operator (::) can be used to resolve the ambiguity.
  The check for ambiguity is done before access control. A private base class containing only private members has the same potential for ambiguity as a public class.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



int a;


class B



int a;


class C : public A, private B { };

C c;

int j = c.a; // error, could be A::a or B::a

int i = c.A::a; // OK, resolved ambiguity

C2507 identifier : too many virtual modifiers on the base class
  The specified class or structure was declared as virtual more than once.
  Only one virtual modifier can be used for each base class in a list of base classes.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A {};

class B : virtual virtual public A {}; // error

class C : virtual public A {}; // OK

C2508 identifier : access denied
  The specified nonpublic class member could not be accessed.
  A class (or structure or union) member that has been declared with private or protected access can only be accessed by member functions of the class.
C2509 identifier : member function not declared in class
  The function was not declared in the specified class.
  This error can be caused by specifying the wrong class when calling the function.
C2510 identifier : left side of '::' must be a class/struct/union
  The named identifier was not a class, structure, or union.
  A class, structure, or union name must appear on the left side of the scope resolution operator (::) if any name is used.
C2511 identifier : overloaded member function not found in class
  The specified function was not declared for the given parameters.
  This error can be caused by a mismatch in the parameter list of the specified function.
C2512 identifier : no appropriate default constructor available
  No default constructor was available for the specified class, structure, or union.
  The compiler will supply a default constructor only if user-defined constructors are not provided. If you provide a constructor that takes a nonvoid parameter, then you must also provide a default constructor. The default constructor can be called with no parameters, that is, a constructor with default values for all parameters.
C2514 class : class has no constructors
  The specified class was initialized with parameters for which no constructor was defined.
  Constructors must be declared with parameter lists that match every parameter list used to initialize objects of the class, structure, or union.
C2515 identifier : not in class class
  The specified identifier was not a member of the given class.
C2517 identifier : right side of '::' is undefined
  The identifier on the right side of the scope resolution operator (::) was not defined.
  The identifier on the right side of the scope resolution operator must be a defined member of the class, structure, or union found on the left side of the operator. If no class, structure, or union is named, then the identifier on the right side of the operator must be declared with global scope.
C2519 cannot convert type1 * to type2 *
  A pointer to type1 could not be converted to a pointer to type2.
  Since type1 was not derived from type2, implicit conversion was not possible.
  A pointer to one type generally cannot be implicitly converted to a pointer to another type. Conversion to a void * is possible if the size of void * is greater than the size of the original pointer.
  If a pointer to one type must be converted to a pointer to another type, then explicit conversion should be used.
C2523 identifier1::~identifier2 : destructor tag mismatch
  A destructor for the specified class was declared with a different name.
  The destructor for a class must have the same name as the class itself and must be preceded by a tilde (~).
  The constructor and destructor are the only members of a class that have the same name as the class.
C2524 identifier : destructors must have a void formal parameter list
  The specified destructor had a nonvoid formal parameter list.
  A destructor can take only a void parameter. Other parameter types are not allowed.
C2527 identifier : array of references must be fully initialized
  Elements of the specified array were not initialized.
  An initializer must be supplied for every element of an array of references.
  The following is an example of this error:

int a, b, c;

int &ai[3]; // error, elements not initialized

int &ai[3] = { a, b, c }; // OK

C2528 illegal pointer to a reference
  A pointer to a reference was declared.
  The variable must be dereferenced before a pointer to it can be declared.
C2529 illegal reference to a reference
  A reference to a reference was declared.
  This error can be avoided by using pointer syntax and declaring a reference to a pointer.
C2530 identifier : references must be initialized
  A reference was not initialized when it was declared.
  The following cases are the only times a reference can be declared without initialization:

It is declared with the keyword extern.

It is a member of a class, structure, or union and is initialized in the class's constructor function.

It is declared as a parameter in a function declaration or definition.

It is declared as the return type of a function.

C2531 identifier : reference to a bit field illegal
  A reference to the specified bit field was declared.
  A reference to a bit field is not allowed.
C2532 identifier : cannot modify references
  The specified reference was changed.
  References cannot be modified to refer to another object.
  If the reference must be modified, then it should be implemented as a pointer instead.
C2533 identifier : constructors not allowed a return type
  The specified constructor was declared with a return type.
  A constructor does not return a value and has no return type. A return type of void is not allowed.
  The following is an example of this error.

class X



void X( void ) { ... }; // error, return type declared

X( void ) { ... }; // OK, no return type declared


C2534 identifier : constructor cannot return a value
  The specified constructor cannot return a value.
  A constructor cannot return a value of any type, including a return type of void.
  This error can be eliminated by removing the return statement from the constructor definition.
C2535 identifier : member function already defined or declared
  The specified member function was defined or declared earlier.
  This error can be caused by repeating the same formal parameter list in more than one function definition or declaration.
C2536 identifier1::identifier2 : cannot specify explicit initializer for arrays
  The specified member of a class, structure, or union could not be initialized.
  This error can be caused if a constructor is not available to initialize one or more members of an array. If the size of the array is greater than the number of initial-izers, then a default constructor must be defined.
  Alternatively, this error can be caused by declaring a nonstatic array with the const specifier. This kind of array cannot be explicitly initialized.
C2537 identifier : illegal linkage specification
  The indicated linkage specifier was not legal.
  This error can be caused by using a linkage specifier that is not supported. Only the “C” linkage specifier is supported.
  This error can also be caused by overloading more than one function with “C” linkage. Only one of a set of overloaded functions can be declared with “C” linkage.
C2538 new : cannot specify initializer for arrays
  An initializer was given for the specified array created with the new operator.
  The new operator creates arrays of objects by calling the default constructor for each element of the array. The elements of the array cannot be initialized to distinct values.
C2539 new : identifier : no default constructor to initialize array of objects
  A default constructor was not available to initialize an array of objects of the specified class, structure, or union.
  Initializing an array of objects requires a default constructor. The default constructor is called separately for each object in the array.
  This error can be caused by not defining a default constructor. If any constructor is defined, then the compiler will not generate a default constructor. A default constructor (one that can be called with no parameters) must be explicitly defined in this case.
C2540 nonconstant expression as array bound
  The specified array bound was not a constant expression.
  An array must be declared with a constant bound.
  The following example shows an illegal way to declare an array:

int i;

int A[i]; // error, i is nonconstant

  and legal ways to declare an array:

const j = 20;

int A[j]; // OK, j is constant

int B[32]; // OK, 32 is a literal

C2541 delete : cannot delete nonpointer objects
  The delete operator was used on an object that was not a pointer.
  The delete operator can only be used on pointers.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()


int i;

delete i; // error, i is not a pointer

int* ip = new int;

delete ip; // OK


C2542 identifier : class object has no constructor for initialization
  There was no constructor to initialize the specified object.
  A constructor with the same parameter list used in the initialization must be supplied.
  This error can also be caused by initializing an object with incorrect parameters.
C2543 expected ']' for operator '[]'
  The left square bracket (]) of the subscripting operator was missing.
  This error can be caused by expansion of a macro.
C2544 expected ')' for operator '()'
  The left parenthesis of the function call operator was missing.
  This error can be caused by expansion of a macro.
C2545 identifier : unable to find overloaded operator
  The specified operator could not be used with the provided operands.
  An overloaded operator should be supplied with the required operands.
  This error can be caused by using the operator with operands of the incorrect type. Defining a conversion operator or a constructor that takes a single parameter may allow the operator to be used.
C2546 operator : illegal mix of void pointer with nonvoid pointer
  The specified operator was called with incompatible pointer types.
  This error can be caused by using an arithmetic operator on a void pointer. Pointer arithmetic can only be done with pointers to objects.
  If the operator must be used with a void pointer, then the operator can be overloaded. Alternatively, cast the void pointer into a type that can be used with the specified operator.
C2547 illegal cast of overloaded function
  A pointer to a function type was converted to an overloaded type.
  Conversion of a pointer to a function into a pointer to an overloaded function is not allowed.
  The following is an example of this error:

int func();

int func( int );

( int (*)() )func; // error, func is overloaded

int func2();

( void (*)() )func2; // OK, func2 is not overloaded

C2548 identifier1::identifier2 : missing default parameter for parameter identifier3
  A parameter was missing in a default parameter list.
  If a default parameter is supplied anywhere in a parameter list, then all subsequent parameters on the right side of the default parameter must also be defined.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int = 1, int, int = 3); // error

void func( int, int, int = 3); // OK

void func( int, int = 2, int = 3); // OK

C2549 user-defined conversion cannot specify return type
  A user-defined conversion cannot specify a return type.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



int operator int() { return value; } // error

operator int() { return value; } // OK


int value;


C2551 void * type needs explicit cast to nonvoid pointer type
  A void pointer was assigned to a nonvoid pointer by implicit conversion.
  An explicit cast is necessary to convert a void pointer to a nonvoid pointer.
C2552 identifier : nonaggregates cannot be initialized with initializer list
  The specified identifier was incorrectly initialized.
  An initializer list is needed to initialize the following types:

An array

A class, structure, or union that does not have constructors, private or protected members, base classes, or virtual functions

  These types are known as “aggregates.”
C2553 no legal conversion of return value to return type type
  The return value could not be converted to the required type.
  You may need to supply a user-defined conversion operator to cast the return value.
C2555 identifier1::identifier2 : overriding virtual function differs only by return type
  The specified virtual function and a derived overriding function had identical parameter lists but different return types.
  An overriding function in a derived class cannot be redefined to differ only by its return type from a virtual function in a base class.
  A function in a derived class or structure overrides a virtual function in a base class only if their names, parameters, and return values are all identical. (If the functions have different parameters, then the compiler treats them as different functions and does not override the virtual function.)
  It may be necessary to cast the return value after the virtual function has been called.
C2556 identifier : overloaded functions only differ by return type
  The indicated overloaded functions had different return types but the same parameter list.
  Each overloaded function must have a distinctly different formal parameter list.
C2557 identifier : nonpublic members initialized without constructor
  Private and protected members cannot be assigned a value except by the class's member or friend functions. These members should be initialized in the class constructor.
C2558 identifier : no copy constructor available
  No copy constructor was defined to copy the specified class.
  A copy constructor is used to initialize an object with the values of another object of the same type, that is, to make a copy of the object.
  If no copy constructor is provided, the compiler will generate a default copy constructor. A default copy constructor is not generated by the compiler if any user-defined copy constructor has been defined.
C2559 identifier : no match for specified operator
  There was an attempt to use the new operator to call the constructor for the given identifier, but there was no constructor that corresponded to the given ambient memory model or distance.
  Make sure that the appropriate constructors have been defined for each memory model or distance being used.
C2561 identifier : function must return a value
  The specified function was declared as returning a value, but the function definition did not contain a return statement.
  This error can be caused by an incorrect function prototype. If the function does not return a value, the function should be declared with a void return type.
C2562 identifier : void function returning a value
  The indicated function was declared as a void function but returned a value.
  This error can be caused by an incorrect function prototype. If the function returns a value, the return type must be specified in the function declaration.
C2563 mismatch in formal parameter list
  The formal parameter list of a function or pointer to a function did not match those of another function or pointer to a member function, respectively.
  The assignment of the functions or pointers could not be made because of incompatible declarations.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int );

void func( int, int );



void *fp();

fp = func; // error

fp = func( int, int ); // OK


C2564 formal/actual parameter mismatch in call through pointer to function
  The formal parameters in the function declaration did not match the actual parameters passed through the pointer to the function.
C2565 ::identifier was previously declared as a global function
  The indicated member function had the same name as a function declared earlier with global scope.
C2566 overloaded function in a conditional expression
  The overloaded function in a conditional expression could not be evaluated.
  The following is an example of this error:

int f( int );

int f( double );

void main()


if( f ); // error, which f?

if( f(1) ); // OK


C2568 identifier1 : unable to resolve function overload identifier2
  The compiler could not unambiguously determine which of the specified overloaded functions to call.
  The actual parameters passed to the function should be cast to match the formal parameters listed in the declaration of one of the specified functions. One parameter match must be better than any of the other possible matches.
C2569 identifier : union cannot be used as a base class
  A class was derived from the specified union.
  A union is not allowed to be a base class. If a new user-defined type must be derived from the specified union, the union should be changed to a class or structure.
C2570 identifier : union cannot have base classes
  A union was derived from a class, structure, or union.
  The derived user-defined type must be declared as a class or structure.
C2571 identifier : union cannot have virtual function identifier
  The specified union was declared to have a virtual function.
  Virtual functions can only be used with a class or structure but not with a union. Change the specified union to a class or structure or make it a nonvirtual function.
C2572 identifier1::identifier2 : redefinition of default parameter : parameter identifier3
  The specified default parameter in a member function was redefined.
  A default parameter cannot be redefined. If a new value for the parameter is required, then the default parameter should be left undefined.
C2573 identifier : simple type cast must have exactly one expression
  The specified conversion had a wrong number of actual parameters.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func()


int i = int(); // error, no actual parameters

int j = int( 1.0 ) // OK


C2574 identifier : illegal static destructor declaration
  The specified destructor was declared as static.
  Destructors cannot be declared as static.
C2575 identifier : only member functions and bases can be virtual
  The specified global function or class was declared as virtual.
  The keyword virtual refers only to members of a class or structure. A global function or a class or structure that is not a base class cannot be declared as virtual.
C2576 identifier : virtual specifier used for static member function
  A static member function was declared as virtual.
  The virtual function mechanism relies on the specific object that calls the function to determine which virtual function is used. Since this is not possible for static functions, they cannot be declared as virtual.
C2577 identifier : destructor cannot return a value
  The specified destructor returned a value.
  A destructor cannot return a value of any type. This error is caused by defining a destructor that returns a value of any type, including a void return type.
  This error can be eliminated by removing the return statement from the destructor definition.
C2579 identifier1::identifier2(identifier3) : parameter list not sufficiently different from identifier1::identifier2(identifier4)
  The parameter lists for the specified functions were not sufficiently different.
  The formal parameter lists of overloaded functions must all be different.
C2580 redefinition of class name identifier
  The specified class, structure, or union was already defined.
  A class, structure, or union can be defined only once.
C2581 identifier : static operator= function is illegal
  The assignment operator, operator=(), was declared as static.
  The assignment operator cannot be declared as static.
C2582 identifier : operator= function is unavailable
  No assignment operator, operator=(), was defined for the specified class.
  If any assignment operator has been defined that takes the class as a parameter, then a default assignment operator will not be generated by the compiler. The assignment operator must be explicitly defined for each class and is not inherited by derived classes.
C2583 identifier : illegal const/volatile this pointer used for constructors/destructors
  A constructor or destructor was declared with a const or volatile specifier.
  The const and volatile declaration specifiers cannot be used for constructors or destructors.
C2584 identifier1 : direct base identifier2 is inaccessible; already a base of identifier3
  The specified derived class (identifier1) was derived from a direct base class (identifier3) that was already a base class of the derived class (identifier2).
  A class (or structure) cannot use the same class more than once as a direct base class (a class mentioned in the list of base classes for the derived class). A base class can be used more than once as an indirect base class (a class not in the list of base classes).
C2585 explicit conversion to type is ambiguous
  The type conversion could produce more than one result.
  Ambiguous conversion can result when converting from a class (or structure) type based on multiple inheritance. If the same base class is inherited more than once, the conversion function or operator must specify which of the inherited classes to use in the conversion. The scope resolution operator (::) can be used to do this.
  Ambiguous conversion can also be caused when a conversion operator and a constructor making the same conversion have been defined.
C2586 incorrect user-defined conversion syntax : illegal indirections
  Indirection of a conversion operator is not allowed.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


* operator int(); // error, indirection on the operator


typedef int * pINT_t;

class D


operator pINT_t(); // OK


C2587 identifier : illegal use of local variable as default parameter
  A local variable was illegally used as a default parameter.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i;

void func();


int j;

extern void func2( int k = j ); // error, local variable

extern void func2( int k = i ); // OK


C2588 ::~identifier : illegal global destructor
  The specified destructor was not defined for a class, structure, or union.
  A destructor can be defined only for a class, structure, or union.
  This error can be caused by omitting the name of a class, structure, or union on the left side of the scope resolution operator (::).
  The following is an example of this error:

~F(); // error

C2589 identifier : illegal token on right side of '::'
  The token on the right side of the scope resolution operator (::) was not legal.
  Only a member of a class (or structure or union) can be on the right side of the scope resolution operator if a class name is on the left side. Otherwise, any global identifier can be on the right side.
C2590 identifier : ambiguous user-defined conversions in switch expression
  The specified switch expression could not be converted to an integral type.
  An expression in a switch expression must unambiguously convert to an integral type.
  Ambiguous conversion can be caused when a conversion operator and a constructor making the same conversion have been defined.
C2591 identifier : ambiguous user-defined conversions in conditional expression
  The specified conditional expression could not be converted to an integral type.
  An expression in a conditional expression must unambiguously convert to an integral type.
  Ambiguous conversion can be caused when a conversion operator and a constructor making the same conversion have been defined.
C2592 no legal conversion of initialization expression to type type
  The value of the initialization expression could not be converted to the specified type.
  A conversion operator may need to be supplied to make the required cast.
C2595 identifier : qualified name already has a constructor
  A constructor was already defined for the specified nested class, structure, or union.
  Only one constructor can be defined for a class, structure, or union.
C2596 identifier : qualified name already has a destructor
  A destructor was already defined for the specified nested class, structure, or union.
  Only one destructor can be defined for a class, structure, or union.
C2597 identifier : does not specify an object
  The specified identifier was not a member of a class, structure, or union.
  A member access operator (. or –>) was used to refer to a function that was not defined as a member of the class, structure, or union.
C2598 linkage specification must be at global scope
  The linkage specifier was declared in local scope.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func()


extern "C" int func2(); // error, linkage declared in

. // block with local scope




extern "C" int func( int i ); // OK

C2601 functions cannot be defined in local classes
  A function definition was found in a class definition.
  A function cannot be declared as local to a class, structure, or union.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()


class C


int f() { return 0; } // error, local function



C2607 identifier : cannot implicitly convert a type1 to a nonconst type2
  The specified type was converted to a nonconst type type2.
  The initializer for a reference to type2 must be one of the following:

An l-value of type type2

A type derived from type2 for which type2 is an accessible base

  If the reference is to a const type, then an object of that type will be created and initialized with the initializer. A temporary object of type type2 was required but could not be initialized with a nonconst reference type2&.
C2608 illegal reference cast—operand not an l-value
  The reference could not be cast.
  This error occurs when a temporary copy of the referenced value cannot be generated.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct C


int mem;

operator int();


struct D


operator C();

void memfunc();


D aD[10];

void D::memfunc()


C aC = ( C& )( aD + 1 ); // error


C2610 identifier identifier can never be instantiated; user-defined constructor
is required
  The specified class cannot be properly initialzied.
  This error occurs when a constructor cannot be created for the class. A user-defined constructor should be defined.
C2611 token : illegal following '~' (expected identifier)
  The specified token was not an identifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


C::~operator int(); // error

~C(); // OK, destructor declaration


C2612 trailing ',' illegal in base/member initializer list
  A comma (,) was placed after the last base or member in an initializer list.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



int i;

A( int ia ) : i( ia ), {}; // error, extra comma

A( int ia ) : i( ia ) {}; // OK


C2613 trailing ',' illegal in base class list
  A comma (,) was placed after the last base in a base class list.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A {};

class B : public A, {}; // error, extra comma

class C : public A {}; // OK

C2614 class1 : illegal member initialization: class2 is not a base or member
  A class in an initialization list was not a base class or member.
  Only a member or base class can be in the initialization list for a class or structure.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



int i;

A( int ia ) : B( i ) {}; // error, B is not a member of A


C2616 cannot change member's access
  The access of the specified identifier was changed outside of its class declaration.
  Access to members of a class (or structure or union) can only be specified in the declaration of the class to which they belong.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



int i;


class B



A::i; // error, A::i is not a member of B


C2617 function : inconsistent return statement
  The specified function did not have a return type declared, and a previous return statement did not supply a value.
  The function return type should be declared.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i;

func() // no return type prototype


if( i ) return; // no return value

else return( 1 ); // error detected on this line


C2618 function : inconsistent return statement
  The specified function did not have a return type declared, and a previous return statement had a different type.
  The function return type should be declared.
  The following is an example of this error:

int i;

func() // no return type prototype


if( i ) return( 1 ); // int return value

else return; // error detected on this line


C2619 union union : cannot have static member variable identifier
  The specified union member was declared as static.
  A union cannot have a static data member.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func()




static int j; // error, j is static

int i; // OK



C2620 union union : member identifier has default constructor
  The specified union member was declared with a default constructor.
  A union member is not allowed to have a default constructor.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


A(); // A has a default constructor


union U


A a; // error


C2621 union union : member identifier has a copy constructor
  The specified union member was declared with a copy constructor.
  A union member is not allowed to have a copy constructor.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


A( const A& ); // A has a copy constructor


union U


A a; // error


C2622 union union : member identifier has assignment operator
  The specified union member was declared with an assignment operator, operator=().
  A union member is not allowed to have an assignment operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


operator= ( const A& ); // A's assignment operator


union U


; // error


C2623 union union : member identifier has a destructor
  The specified union member was declared with a destructor.
  A union member is not allowed to have a destructor.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


~A(); // A has a destructor


union U


A a; // error


C2624 identifier : references to void are illegal
  The specified identifier was declared as a reference to void.
  References to void are not allowed.
C2625 anonymous union did not declare any nonstatic data members
  Unions cannot have static data members.
  The following is an example of this error:

static union {}; // error

static union { int i; }; // OK

C2626 anonymous union defines protected/private member identifier
  The specified member was declared with protected or private access.
  A member of an anonymous union must have public access.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()





int i; // OK, i is public


int j; // error, j is protected


int k; // error, k is private



C2627 anonymous union defines member function function
  The specified function was declared in an anonymous union.
  An anonymous union cannot have member functions.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()




int i;

void func( void ); // error, union is anonymous


union U


void func2( void ); // OK



C2628 type1 followed by type2 is illegal (is a “;” missing?)
  A section of code between the two specified types was incorrect.
  This error can be caused by a missing semicolon.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



void func( void ) {;}

} // semicolon is missing here

void main() {} // error detected on this line

C2629 unexpected token (
  A syntax error made the statement ambiguous.
  This error can be caused by mixing declaration and expression syntax.
  The following is an example of this error:

class B


B( &B ); // error, misplaced &

B( B& ); // OK


C2631 class : destructors not allowed a return type
  A destructor in the specified class, structure, or union was declared with a return type.
  A destructor cannot be declared with a return type.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


int ~C(); // error, returns int

void ~C(); // error, returns void

~C(); // OK


C2632 type1 followed by type2 is illegal
  Two type specifiers had missing code between them.
  The following is an example of this error:

int float i; // error

C2633 identifier : inline is the only legal storage class for constructors
  The constructor was declared as other than inline.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


extern C(); // error, not inline


C2635 cannot convert an identifier1* to an identifier2*; conversion from a virtual base class is implied
  The specified conversion required a cast from a virtual base class to a derived class.
  Casting from a virtual base class to a derived class is not allowed.
C2636 pointer to reference member is illegal
  A pointer to a reference member was declared.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S {};

int &S::*prs; // error

C2637 identifier : cannot modify pointers to data members
  The specified pointer to a data member was modified.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S {};

int __pascal S::*pms; // error

C2638 identifier : memory-model modifier illegal on pointer to data member
  A memory-model modifier was specifed for a pointer to a data member.
  Memory-model modifiers can only be used for pointers to member functions.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



int i;

int j;

int func();


int __near C::* cpi = &C::i; // error, __near modifier

int C::* cpj = &C::j; //OK

int (__near C::* cpf)() = &C::func; // OK, not data member

C2639 cannot use pointer to member expression &class::member—base class
is inherited as virtual
  The pointer to the specified member was illegally inherited as virtual from the specifed base class or structure.
  Pointers cannot point to members of derived classes that are inherited as virtual members.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct V


virtual void func();


struct D : virtual V


void func();


void main()


&D::func; // error


C2640 cannot convert a pointer to member across a virtual inheritance path
  A pointer to a member was illegally cast to a pointer to a member of a base class that is declared as virtual.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A



int a;


class B



int b;


class C : virtual public A, public B {};

int C::* cpa = &C::a; // error, C's A is virtual

int C::* cpb = &C::b; // OK

C2641 illegal pointer to member cast across virtual inheritance path
  A pointer to a member was cast to a base class that was inherited using virtual inheritance.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct V {};

struct A : virtual V {};

int A::*pma;

int V::*pmv = (int V::*)pma;

C2642 cast to pointer to member must be from related pointer to member
  A pointer to a member was cast to a pointer to a member of a class (or structure) that was not a derived or base class.
  The following is an example of this error:

class B



int b:


class C {};

int C:: cpb = (int C::*)&B::b; // error

class D : public B



int d;


int D:: dpb = (int D::*)&B::b; // OK, B is a base class of D

int B:: bpd = (int B::*)&D::d; // OK

C2643 illegal cast from pointer to member
  A pointer to a member of a class, structure, or union was cast to a different type.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



int i;

operator int*() { return &i; }


int C::* cpi = (int*)&C::i; // error

int C::* cpi2 = &C::i; // OK

C2644 basis class class for pointer to member has not been defined
  A pointer was declared that pointed to a class that was declared but not defined.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C;

int C::* cp; // error, C has not been declared

class D {};

int D::*dp; // OK

C2645 no qualified name for pointer to member (found ':: *')
  The pointer to member declaration did not specify a class.
  The declaration of a pointer to a member of a class (or structure or union) must specify the name of the class.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A {};

int ::* cp; // error, class not specifed

int B::* bp // error, B not defined

int A::* ap; // OK

C2646 global anonymous unions must be declared static
  The anonymous union had global scope but was not declared as static.
  The following is an example of this error:

union { int i; }; // error, not static

static union { int j; }; // OK

union U { int i; }; // OK, not anonymous

C2648 identifier : use of nonstatic member as default parameter
  The specified nonstatic member was used as a default parameter.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C



int i;

static int j;

void func1( int i = i ); // error, i is not static

void func2( int i = j ); // OK, uses static j


C2649 identifier : is not a class-key
  The specified class, structure, or union declaration used an incorrect tag.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


int i;


class S::i c; // error

C2650 operator : cannot be a virtual function
  The specified operator was declared as virtual.
  The operators new and delete cannot be virtual because they are static member functions.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


virtual void* operator new( unsigned int ); // error


C2652 identifier : illegal copy constructor : first parameter must not be an identifier
  The first parameter in the specified copy constructor was the same type as the class, structure, or union for which it was defined.
  A copy constructor for a type can take a reference to the type as the first parameter but not the type itself.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


A( A ); // error, takes an A


class B


B( B& ); // OK, reference to B


C2653 identifier : is not a class
  The specified identifier was not a class, structure, or union.
  An identifier that was not a class, structure, or union was accessed using incorrect syntax.
  The following is an example of this error:

int x;

int main()


return x::i; // error


C2654 identifier : attempt to access member outside a member function
  The specifed identifier was accessed in a declaration.
  Member data can only be accessed in member functions.
  This error can be caused by trying to initialize variables in a declaration. A constructor should be used for this purpose.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


int i;

int j = i; // error, access outside function

void setj( void ) { j = i ; } // OK, access in function

A( int ai )


i = ai; // OK, initializes i and j

j = i;


} a( 1 );

C2655 identifier : definition or redeclaration illegal in current scope
  The specified identifier was redeclared or redefined in nonglobal scope.
  An identifier can only be redeclared in global scope.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A {};

class B



static int i;


void main()


A B::i; // error


C2656 function : function not allowed as a bit field
  The specified function was declared as a member of a bit field.
  This error can be caused by a syntax error in a constructor initializer list.
C2657 class::* found at the start of a statement (was a type specified?)
  The line began with the specified pointer to member identifier.
  This error can be caused by omitting a type specifier in the declaration of a pointer to a member.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C {};

void main() {

C::* pmc1; // error

void C::* pmc2; // OK


C2658 multiple conversions: type1(type2) and type1::operator type2()
  The conversion was ambiguous because it could be done with either the specified constuctor or the specifed conversion operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct A;

struct B





struct A


operator B();


A a;

B b = B(a); // error

C2659 operator : overloaded function as left operand
  An overloaded function was on the left side of the specified operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

int func( int );

int func( double );

void main()


func = 10; // error


C2660 function : function does not take number parameters
  The specified function was called with an incorrect number of actual parameters.
  This error can be caused by calling the function with incorrect actual parameters or by omitting a function declaration.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int, int );

void main()


func( 1 ); // error, func( int ) not declared

func( 1, 0 ); // OK, func( int, int ) was declared


C2661 function : no overloaded function takes number parameters
  The specified overloaded function was not declared for the given number of parameters.
  This error can be caused by calling the function with incorrect actual parameters or by omitting a function declaration.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int );

void func( int, int );

void main()


func( ); // error, func( void ) was not declared

func( 1 ); // OK, func( int ) was declared


C2662 function : no legal conversion for the this pointer
  The required conversion for the this pointer was not defined.
  A user-defined conversion operator may be required.
  The following is an example of this error:

class __far C



void func() __near;

} c;

void main()


c.func(); // error


C2663 function : number overloads had no legal conversion for the this pointer
  The required conversion was not defined for the this pointer to the specified overloaded functions.
  A user-defined conversion operator may be required.
  The following is an example of this error:

class __far C



void func() __near;

void func( int ) __near;

} c;

void main()


c.func(); // error


C2664 function : no legal conversion for parameter number
  The specified parameter of the specified function could not be converted to the required type.
  An explicit conversion may need to be supplied.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A {} a;

func( int, A );

void main()


func( 1, 1 ); // error, no conversion from A to int


C2665 function : number1 overloads have no legal conversion for parameter number2
  The specified parameter of the overloaded function could not be converted to the required type.
  A conversion operator or explicit conversion may need to be supplied.
C2666 identifier : number overloads have similar conversions
  The specified overloaded function or operator was ambiguous.
  This error is caused by formal parameter lists that are too similar to resolve ambiguity.
  An explicit cast of one or more of the actual parameters can resolve the ambiguity.
  The following is an example of this error:

void func( int, float ) {};

void func( float, int ) {};

func( 1, 1 ); // error, same conversion for each func

func( 1, (float)1 ) // OK

C2667 function : none of number overloads have a best conversion
  The specified overloaded ambiguous function call could not be resolved.
  The conversion required to match the actual parameters in the function call to one of the overloaded functions must be strictly better than the conversions required by all of the other overloaded functions.
C2668 function : ambiguous call to overloaded function
  The specified overloaded function call could not be resolved.
  An explicit cast of one or more of the actual parameters can resolve the ambiguity.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct A {};

struct B : A {};

struct X {};

struct D : B, X {};

void func( X, X );

void func( A, B );

D d;

void main()


func( d, d ); // error, D has an A, B, and X

func( (X)d, (X)d ); // OK, uses func( X, X )


C2671 function : static member functions do not have this pointers
  The specified static member function could not access a this pointer.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


static S* const func() { return this; } // error


C2672 function : new/delete member functions do not have this pointers
  The specified new or delete operator did not have a this pointer to access.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


void* operator new( unsigned int )


this = 10; // error

return 0;



C2673 function : global functions do not have this pointers
  The specified global function did not have a this pointer to access.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()


this = 0; // error


C2710 cannot delete a pointer to a const object
  A pointer to an object declared as const was illegally deleted using the delete operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

const int* pci;

const int i = 0;

void main()


pci = &i;

delete pci; // error, pci points to a const


C2711 cannot delete a pointer to a function
  A pointer to a function was illegally deleted using the delete operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

void (*pf)();

void func();

void main()


pf = func;

delete pf; // error, pf points to a function


C2720 identifier : specifier storage class specifier illegal on members
  A storage class was illegally specified for the given identifier.
  The following is an example of this error:

struct S


static int i;


static S::i; // error

C2721 specifier : storage class specifier illegal between operator keyword and type
  A type conversion cannot specify a storage class. User-defined type conversions apply to all storage classes.
C2722 ::operator : illegal following operator command; use operator operator
  Either ::new or ::delete was redefined using the operator statement. Since the new and delete operators are global, the scope resolution operator (::) is meaningless in this context.
  Remove the scope resolution operator preceding the given operator.
C2730 class : cannot be a base class of itself
  Recursive base classes are illegal.
  Remove the base class specifier, or specify another class as a base class.
C2732 linkage specification contradicts earlier specification for function
  The specified function was already declared with a different linkage specifier.
  This error can be caused by different linkage specifiers given in include files.
  Change the extern statements so that the linkages agree.
  The following is an example of this error:

extern void func( void ); // implicit C++ linkage

extern "C" void func( void ); // error

C2733 second C linkage of overloaded function function not allowed
  More than one overloaded function was declared with C linkage.
  When using C linkage, only one form of a given function can be made external.
  Since overloaded functions have the same undecorated name, they cannot be used with C programs.
C2734 identifier : nonextern const object must be initialized
  The specified identifier was declared as const but was not initialized.
  An identifier must be initialized when declared as const unless it is declared as extern.
  The following is an example of this error:

const int j; // error

extern const int i; // OK, declared as extern

C2735 keyword keyword is not permitted in formal parameter type specifier
  The specified keyword was illegal in its context.
  The following is an example of this error:

void main()


int *myint;

myint = new static int; // error

myint = new typedef int; // error

myint = new auto int; // error

myint = new register int; // error


C2736 keyword keyword is not permitted in cast
  The specified keyword was illegally used in a cast.
  The following is an example of this error:

int main()


return (virtual) 0; // error


C2737 class1 : base class class2 must be exported
  A derived class class1 was exported, but its base class class2 was not.
  If class1 is exported, class2 must also be exported.
C2800 operator operator cannot be overloaded
  The specified operator was overloaded.
  The following operators cannot be overloaded: class member access operator (.), pointer to member operator (.*), scope resolution operator (::), conditional expression operator (?:), and sizeof operator.
  The following is an example of this error:

class C


operator:: (); // error :: is overloaded


C2801 operator symbol must be a nonstatic member
  The specified overloaded operator was not a member of a class, structure, or union, and/or was declared as static.
  The following operators can only be overloaded in class scope as nonstatic members: assignment operator '=', class member access operator '–>', subscripting operator '[]', and function call operator '()'.
  The following is an example of this error:

operator[](); // error, not a member

class A


static operator->(); // error, static

operator()(); // OK


C2802 static member operator symbol has no formal parameters
  The specified static member operator had a void formal parameter list.
  An operator declared by a static member function must take at least one parameter.
  The following is an example of this error:

class A


static operator+ (); // error, void parameter list

static operator* ( A& ); // OK


C2803 operator symbol must have at least one formal parameter of class type
  The specified overloaded operator was declared without at least one class-type parameter.
  The following is an example of this error:

int operator+( int, int ); // error

C2804 binary operator symbol has too many formal parameters
  The specified overloaded binary operator was declared with more than one parameter.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X


X operator+ ( X , X ); // error, two parameters

X operator+ ( X ); // OK, one parameter


C2805 binary operator symbol has too few formal parameters
  The specified binary operator was called with a void parameter list.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



X operator< ( void ); // error, must take one parameter

X operator< ( X ); // OK


C2806 operator symbol has too many formal parameters
  The specified overloaded operator was declared with too many parameters.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



X operator++ ( int, int ); // error, more than 1 parameter

X operator++ ( int ); // OK

} ;

C2807 second formal parameter to postfix operator symbol must be int
  The second parameter to the specified postfix operator must be declared to be of type int.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



X operator++ ( X ); // error, nonvoid parameter

X operator++ ( int ); // OK, int parameter

} ;

C2808 unary operator symbol has too many formal parameters
  The specified overloaded unary operator was incorrectly declared with a nonvoid parameter list.
  The following is an example of this error:

class X



X operator! ( X ); // error, nonvoid parameter list

X operator! ( void ); // OK


C2809 operator symbol has no formal parameters
  The specified operator was incorrectly declared with a void parameter list.
  The following is an example of this error:

int operator+ (); // error

C2810 second formal parameter for operator delete must be unsigned int
  An overloaded two-parameter operator delete must have its second formal parameter declared as an unsigned integer.
  The second formal parameter in this form of the operator delete specifies the size of the object being deleted, and therefore it must be of type size_t, that is, an unsigned integer.
C2811 too many formal parameters for based form of operator delete
  There were too many formal parameters for the operator delete for based pointers.
  When used on based pointers, the operator delete takes either two or three actual parameters.
  The following are the prototypes for the based form of the operator delete:

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) * );

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) *, \

unsigned int );

C2812 second formal parameter required for based form of operator delete
  There were too few formal parameters for the operator delete for based pointers.
  The following are the prototypes for the based forms of the operator delete:

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) * );

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) *, \

unsigned int );

C2813 too many formal parameters for nonbased operator delete
  Too many formal parameters were provided for the nonbased form of the operator delete. The operator delete can take one or two formal parameters.
  The following are the prototypes for the nonbased forms of the operator delete:

void operator delete ( void __near * );

void operator delete ( void __near *, unsigned int );

void operator delete ( void __far * );

void operator delete ( void __far *, unsigned int );

void operator delete ( void __huge * );

void operator delete ( void __huge *, unsigned int );

C2814 second formal parameter for based form of operator delete must be __based(void) *
  The second formal parameter for an overridden based form of the operator delete must be of type __based(void) *.
  The following are the prototypes for the based forms of the operator delete:

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) * );

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) *, \

unsigned int);

C2815 first actual parameter for based form of operator delete must be __segment
  The first formal parameter for an overridden based operator delete must be of type __segment.
  The following are the prototypes for the based forms of the operator delete:

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) * );

void operator delete ( __segment, void __based( void ) *, \

unsigned int);

C2816 alternative form of operator delete must be a member
  The two-parameter form of the operator delete can be redefined only within a class, structure, or union. Global redefinitions of operator delete are allowed to have only one parameter.
C2817 return type for operator delete must be void
  A redefinition of the operator delete contained a return statement that returned a type other than void. The return value for the operator delete must be void.
C2818 incorrect return type for operator '–>'
  A redefinition of the class member access operator (–>) contained a return statement that did not return an appropriate type.
  The class member access operator (–>) must return one of the following:

A pointer to a class, structure, or union

A reference to a class, structure, or union where the –> operator is defined

An instance of a class, structure, or union where the –> operator is defined

C2819 recursive return type for operator '–>'
  A redefinition of the class member access operator (–>) contained a return statement that was recursive.
  To use recursion in a redefinition of the class member access operator, move the recursive routine to a separate function that is called from the operator override function.
C2820 second formal parameter required for based form of operator new
  There were too few formal parameters for the operator new for based pointers.
  This is the prototype for the based form of the operator new:

void __based( void ) * operator new ( __segment, unsigned int );

C2821 first formal parameter for operator new must be unsigned int
  The first formal parameter of the near or far forms of the operator new must be an unsigned int.
  The following are the prototypes for the near and far forms of the operator new:

void __near * operator new ( unsigned int );

void __far * operator new ( unsigned int );

C2822 second formal parameter for huge form of operator new must be unsigned int
  The second formal parameter of the huge form of the operator new must be an unsigned int.
  This is the prototype for the huge form of the operator new:

void __huge * operator new ( unsigned long, unsigned int );

C2823 return type for based form of operator new must be __based( void ) *
  A redefinition of the based form of the operator new contained a return statement that returned a type that was not a based pointer. The return value for the operator new must be void __based( void ) *.
C2824 return type for operator new must be void *
  A redefinition of the nonbased form of the operator new contained a return statement that returned a type that was not a void pointer. The return value for the operator new must be void.
C2825 first formal parameter for huge form of operator new must be unsigned long
  The first formal parameter of the huge form of the operator new must be an unsigned long.
  This is the prototype for the huge form of the operator new:

void __huge * operator new ( unsigned long, unsigned int );

C2826 second formal parameter required for huge form of operator new
  There were too few formal parameters for the operator new for huge objects.
  This is the prototype for the huge form of the operator new:

void __huge * operator new ( unsigned long, unsigned int );

C2827 operator symbol cannot be globally overridden with unary form
  The given operator cannot have a unary form outside of an object.
  Make sure that the overloaded operator is local to the object or choose an appropriate unary operator to overload.
C2828 operator symbol cannot be globally overridden with binary form
  The given operator cannot have a binary form outside of an object.
  Make sure that the overloaded operator is local to the object or choose an appropriate binary operator to overload.
C2829 operator symbol cannot have a variable parameter list
  The given operator cannot have a variable parameter list.
  Only the new and parentheses operators can take variable parameters.
C2830 only placement parameters to operator new can have default values
  The standard formal parameters for the operator new cannot be given default values. Only user-defined placement parameters can specify defaults.
  Since the compiler automatically passes values to the standard formal parameters, a default value is meaningless.
C2831 operator symbol cannot have default parameters
  Default parameters cannot be specified for the given operator.
  Only the new, assignment (=), and left parenthesis operators can have default values.
C2833 operator symbol is not a recognized operator or type
  The operator command was not followed by either an operator (to override) or a type (to convert).
  Make sure that the operator command is followed by an operator or a type.
C2834 operator symbol must be globally qualified
  The given operator cannot be local to a class. Since the new and delete operators are tied to the class in which they reside, the scope resolution operator (::) cannot be used to select a version of the operator from a different class.
  To implement multiple forms of the new or delete operator, create a version of the operator that takes extra formal parameters.
C2835 user-defined conversion type takes no formal parameters
  A user-defined type conversion was declared as having one or more formal parameters. User-defined type conversions cannot take formal parameters.
  Remove the formal parameters or choose an operator to overload.
C2836 cannot export identifier; a previous declaration did not export it
  The given identifier was declared to be exported, but a previous declaration did not export it.
  All declarations of a given identifier must be either external or nonexternal.
  The following is an example of this error:

extern int i; // i not exported

int __export i; // error, i exported

C2837 identifier : illegal local static variable in exported inline function
  There was an attempt to declare a local static variable inside an external inline function. External inline functions cannot declare local static variables.
C2850 #pragma hdrstop cannot be nested in a function or definition
  The hdrstop pragma cannot be placed inside the body of a function or definition.
  Move the #pragma hdrstop statement to an area that is not contained in curly braces or parentheses.
C2851 #pragma hdrstop required for /Yu command-line option without filename
  The /Yu (use precompiled headers) command-line option did not specify the name of a precompiled header file, and there was no #pragma hdrstop statement.
  This error can be avoided by specifying a filename after the /Yu command-line option or by using #pragma hdrstop in the source file.
C2852 filename is not a valid precompiled header file
  The given filename is not a precompiled header file.
  Make sure that all /Yu command-line option and #pragma hdrstop statements specify valid precompiled header files. The compiler assumes the .PCH extension if none is provided.
  This error is caused by giving the filename of a file that is not a precompiled header, such as an .HPP file.
C2853 filename is not a precompiled header file created with this compiler
  The given precompiled header is not compatible with this version of the compiler.
  Recompile the program or the header with the same version of the compiler.
  This error can be caused by mixing 16-bit and 32-bit source files and precompiled headers.
C2854 syntax error in #pragma hdrstop
  The #pragma hdrstop statement gave an invalid filename.
  The hdrstop pragma is followed by an optional filename enclosed in parentheses and quotation marks, as in:

#pragma hdrstop( "source\pchfiles\myheader.pch" )

  The precompiled header filename cannot be enclosed in angle brackets (<>).