


The Compile function compiles and builds targets in the project or runs external commands, capturing the result of the operation in the Build Results window. Under multithreaded environments the commands run in the background.

Arg Compile (ALT+A CTRL+F3)

Compiles the current file. This is equivalent to Project Compile File. Arg Compile fails if no project is open. See: _pwbcompile.

Arg textarg Compile (ALT+A textarg CTRL+F3)

Builds the target specified by textarg. This is equivalent to Build Target command on the Project menu. Arg textarg Compile fails if no project is open.

To build the current project, execute Arg all Compile.

Arg Meta textarg Compile (ALT+A textarg F9 CTRL+F3)

Rebuilds the specified target and its dependents. See: _pwbrebuild.

This command is equivalent to specifying the NMAKE /a option. Note that you can also include NMAKE command-line macro definitions in the text you pass to the Compile function.

Arg Meta Compile (ALT+A F9 CTRL+F3)

Aborts the background compile after prompting for confirmation. Also clears the queue of pending background operations (if any).

Arg Arg textarg Compile (ALT+A ALT+A textarg CTRL+F3)

Runs the program or operating-system command specified by textarg. The output is displayed in the Compile Results window.

Under multithreaded environments, the program runs in the background, and the Compile Results window is updated as the program executes. Several programs can be queued for background execution.

Do not use this command to execute an interactive program. The program is able to change the display but may not receive input. To run an interactive program, use the Shell function (SHIFT+F9).


TrueOperation successfully initiated.

FalseOperation not initiated.