Chapter 8 Getting Started with CodeView

Microsoft CodeView is a window-oriented debugging tool that helps you find and correct errors in Microsoft C/C++ and Macro Assembler (MASM) programs. With CodeView, you can examine source-level code and the corresponding compiled code at the same time. You can execute your code in increments and view and modify data in memory as your program runs.

Microsoft C/C++ includes CodeView for MS-DOS (CV.EXE) and CodeView for Windows (CVW.EXE). The names “CodeView,” “CodeView debugger,” and “the debugger” refer to both versions unless the discussion indicates otherwise.

This chapter shows you how to:

Write programs to make debugging easier.

Formulate a debugging strategy.

Compile and link your programs to include Microsoft Symbolic Debugging Information.

Set up the files CodeView needs.

Configure CodeView with TOOLS.INI.

Start CodeView and load a program.

Use the CodeView command-line options.

Use or disable the CURRENT.STS state file.