Chapter 18 Managing Projects with NMAKE

This chapter describes the Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (NMAKE) version 1.20. NMAKE is a sophisticated command processor that saves time and simplifies project management. Once you specify which project files depend on others, NMAKE automatically builds your project without recompiling files that haven't changed since the last build.

If you are using the Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) to build your project, PWB automatically creates a makefile and calls NMAKE to run the file. You may want to read this chapter if you intend to build your program outside of PWB, if you want to understand or modify a makefile created by PWB, or if you want to use a foreign makefile in PWB.

NMAKE can swap itself to expanded memory, extended memory, or disk to leave room for the commands it spawns. (For more information, see the description of the /M option on page 649.)