This book has five parts and five appendixes to give you complete information about PWB, CodeView, CL, and the utilities included with C/C++.
Part 1 is a brief PWB tutorial and comprehensive reference. The first three chapters introduce PWB and provide a tutorial that describes the features of the integrated environment and how to use them. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 contain detailed information on the interface, advanced PWB techniques, and customization. Chapter 7 contains a complete reference to PWB's default keys and all functions, predefined macros, and switches.
Part 2 provides full information on the Microsoft CodeView debugger. Chapter 8 tells how to prepare programs for debugging, how to start CodeView, and how to customize CodeView's interface and memory usage. Chapter 9 describes the environment, including the CodeView menu commands and the format and use of each CodeView window. Chapter 10 explains how to use expressions, including the C and C++ expression evaluators. Chapter 11 describes techniques for debugging Windows programs and p-code. Chapter 12 contains a complete reference to CodeView commands.
The chapters in Parts 3 and 4 describe the compiler and utilities. These chapters are principally for command-line users. Even if you're using PWB, however, you may find the detailed information in Parts 3 and 4 helpful for a better understanding of how each tool contributes to the program development process.
Part 3 provides information about compiling and linking your program. Chapter 13 describes the command-line syntax and options for the CL compiler. LINK command-line syntax and options are covered in Chapter 14. Chapter 15 describes how to overlay a DOS program. The contents and use of module-definition files are explained in Chapter 16. Chapter 17 describes how to use EXEHDR to examine the file header of a program.
Part 4 presents the other utilities. NMAKE, the utility for automating project management, is described in Chapter 18. Chapter 19 covers LIB, the utility to use in managing standard libraries. Procedures for using HELPMAKE to create and maintain Help files are in Chapter 20. The tools for creating a browser database are discussed in Chapter 21. Finally, Chapter 22 describes how to use the following special purpose utilities: CVPACK, IMPLIB, RM, UNDEL, and EXP.
Part 5 presents the Microsoft Advisor Help system and the QuickHelp program. It describes the structure of the Help files, how to navigate through the Help system, and how to manage Help files.
The appendixes provide supplementary information. Appendix A describes regular expressions for use in PWB and CodeView. Appendix B explains a procedure for getting the decorated name of a C++ function. Appendix C lists United States ASCII codes, Appendix D lists multilingual ASCII codes, and Appendix E lists key codes.