From the Command Line

·To start PWB from the command line:

At the operating-system prompt, type:

PWB [[options ]] [[filename]]

PWB starts with its default startup sequence.

For a complete list of PWB options and their meanings, see “PWB Command Line”. Sometimes, you will want to modify the default startup sequence. The following procedures are examples of how you can start PWB to accommodate different circumstances.

·To start PWB with an existing PWB project:

Type PWB /PP project.mak

PWB opens the specified project and the files that you were working on with the project.

·To start PWB with the project you used in your last session:

Type PWB /PL

As with the previous option, the /PL option opens a project and arranges your screen as it was when you left PWB.

·To start PWB quickly for editing a file such as CONFIG.SYS:


This command suppresses autoloading of extensions and status files (/DAS). It also tells PWB not to remember CONFIG.SYS for the next PWB session (/t CONFIG.SYS).