Conventions in the Tutorial

To help you move through the tutorial quickly, there are two navigation aids: the tip and the procedure heading.


Information that is handy but not essential is included in the left margin. Tips offer additional information to help you make the most efficient use of PWB. They should not be confused with margin summaries, which appear in other sections of this book and are used to summarize information presented in the text.

Procedure Headings

Procedure headings are denoted by a triangular symbol. These headings always precede a list of steps. For example:

·To open a file:

1.From the File menu, choose Open.

PWB displays the Open File dialog box.

2.In the File List list box, select the file that you want to open.

3.Choose OK.

In procedures, the heading gives you a capsule summary of what the steps will accomplish. Each numbered step is an action you take to complete the procedure. Some steps are followed by an explanation, an illustration, or both.