Contents of a Project

A project file list can contain the following files:

Source code files (.C, .CPP).

Object files (.OBJ).

Library files (.LIB).

Module-definition files (.DEF).

Resource-compiler source files (.RC).

These file types are all that are needed to create most DOS and Windows applications. Include files, such as STDIO.H, are not put in a project because they are not primary components of a program build. PWB automatically adds the necessary include files to your project. For more information on include files, see “Dependencies in a Project”.

When you select the type of run-time support, PWB automatically specifies stan-dard library files such as SLIBCE.LIB. Therefore, you do not need to add standard library files to the project list.

·To add the COUNT files to your project:

1.Choose the files you want to add to the project from the File List box. In this case, you'll add COUNT.C, COUNTBUF.C, and COUNTCH.C. These files are located in the \C700\SOURCE\SAMPLES\PWBTUTOR directory. If you installed Microsoft C/C++ in a directory other than C700, adjust the path accordingly.

You can scroll the File List box by clicking the scroll bars or by pressing the arrow keys. For more information about using list boxes and other elements of the PWB interface, see Chapter 4, “User Interface Details.”

2.For each file, select it and choose Add / Delete to add the file to the Project list box.

3.Choose Save List when you have added all three files.

PWB uses the rules in the project template along with the list of files that you just specified to scan the sources for include dependencies and to create the project makefile. This process is described in the next section.

Now your project completely describes what you want to build (the project template), the component source files, and the commands used to build the project.