Using the Windows Program Manager

Microsoft Windows offers features that can enhance program development, particularly if you plan to develop Windows applications. You can edit and build your application in a “DOS Box” and then immediately run it under Windows.

When you install Microsoft C/C++ on a computer running Windows, the SETUP program provides a PWB icon in the Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 Program Group and a .PIF file for running PWB successfully under Windows. These files, PWB.ICO and PWB.PIF, are located in the \C700\BIN directory (assuming you accepted the default root directory name supplied by SETUP).

To start PWB under Windows, double-click the PWB icon.

You can add a Program Item to the Program Manager for each project you are working on. Use the PIF editor to open PWB.PIF, and then choose Save As on the File menu to create a .PIF file with the same base name as your project. Next, use the Optional Parameters text box to specify the /PF or /PP options and the name of the project makefile.