Running the Program

Now that your program is built, you can test it from inside PWB.

·To run COUNT:

1.From the Run menu, choose Program Arguments.

2.Type the name of a text file to pass to the COUNT program. The COUNT.C source file is a good file to use.

3.Choose OK to set the program arguments. PWB saves the arguments so that you can run or debug the program many times with the same command line.

4.From the Run menu, choose Execute.

The results look like this:

File statistics for extra.txt

Bytes: 1029

Characters: 770

Letters: 649

Vowels: 233

Consonants: 416

Words: 141

Lines: 45

Sentences: 13

Words per sentence: 10.8

Letters per word: 4.6

Estimated symbols per word: 1.8

Press ENTER to return to PWB.

You have successfully created a multimodule project, built the program, and run it, all from within the Programmer's WorkBench. You can now leave PWB.

·To leave PWB:

From the File menu, choose Exit or press ALT+F4.

PWB saves your project and returns to the operating-system prompt. If you ran PWB from Windows, PWB returns to Windows.

Creating a PWB project is an important first step. However, most of the time you will be maintaining projects. The next section provides an overview of project maintenance. The tutorial then continues with the COUNT project.