6.6 PWB Configuration

PWB keeps track of three kinds of information between sessions in these three files:

File Information Saved

TOOLS.INI Configuration and customizations, such as key assignments, colors, and macro definitions
CURRENT.STS The editing environment used most recently
project.STS The editing and building environment for a project

TOOLS.INI is described in the next section: “The TOOLS.INI File”. For more information about CURRENT.STS, see “Current Status File CURRENT.STS”, and for more information about the project.STS files, see “Project Status Files”.

When you start PWB, it reads the TOOLS.INI file, loads PWB extensions, and reads the CURRENT.STS or project status file in the following order:

1.PWB reads the [PWB] section of TOOLS.INI (except when PWB is started using the /D or /DT command-line options). For more information on tagged sections, see “TOOLS.INI Section Tags”.

If the [PWB] section contains Load switches, PWB loads the specified extension when each switch is encountered. When PWB loads an extension, it also reads the extension's tagged section of TOOLS.INI, if any. For example, when the Help extension is loaded, PWB reads the [PWB-PWBHELP] section of TOOLS.INI.

2.PWB autoloads extensions (except when the /D or /DA option is used to start PWB).

The automatic loading of PWB extensions is described in the next section,
“Autoloading Extensions.”

3.PWB reads the TOOLS.INI operating-system tagged section (except when /D or /DT is used).

4.PWB reads the CURRENT.STS status file (except when /D or /DS is used to start PWB).

5.PWB reads the TOOLS.INI tagged section for the file extension of the current file (except when /D or /DT is used to start PWB).

6.PWB runs the Autostart macro if it is defined in TOOLS.INI (except when /D or /DT is used).