The Source Windows

The Source windows display the source code. You can open a second Source window to view other source files, header files, the same source file at a different location, or any ASCII text file. To open a Source window, use one of the following methods:

From the Windows menu, choose Source 1 or Source 2.

In the Command window, type the View Source (VS) command.

Press ALT+3 to open Source window 1.

Press ALT+4 to open Source window 2.

You cannot edit source code in CodeView, but you can temporarily modify the machine code in memory using the Assemble (A) command. For more information on the Assemble command, see page 424.

Source windows can display three different views of your program code in three different modes:

Source mode shows your source file with numbered lines.

Assembly mode shows a disassembly of your program's machine code.

Mixed mode shows each numbered source line followed by a disassembly of the machine code for each line.


When you are debugging p-code while Native mode is off, CodeView displays p-code instructions rather than disassembled machine instructions. See the “Options” command on page 445. For more information on p-code, see “Debugging P-code”.

CodeView automatically switches to Assembly mode when you trace into routines for which no source is available, such as library or system code. The debugger switches back to the original display mode when you continue tracing into code for which source code is available.

For more information on setting display modes, see the “View Source” command on page 457. For detailed information about the Source window display options, see topic .