The Help Menu

The Help menu contains commands to access the Microsoft Advisor Help system. When you choose a Help command, CodeView opens the Help window if it is not already open and displays the appropriate part of the Microsoft Advisor.

When the Help window is open, you can browse through Help with mouse and keyboard commands. All Microsoft environments provide the same mouse and keyboard commands to access the Microsoft Advisor. For more information on getting the most out of Help, see Chapter 23.

The following table summarizes the commands on the Help menu:

Command Purpose

Index Displays the table of Microsoft Advisor indexes
Contents Displays the Microsoft Advisor contents screen
Topic Displays Help on the current word
Help on Help Displays Help on using the Microsoft Advisor
About Displays CodeView copyright and version information


The Index command displays a table of available indexes. Each part of the Help system has its own index.


The Contents command (SHIFT+F1) displays the contents for the entire Help system. This screen lists the table of contents for each Help system component.


The Topic command (F1) displays help on the word at the cursor or the selected text. When you open the Help menu, CodeView displays the topic in the menu. When you choose the Topic command, CodeView displays information on the indicated topic in the Help window.

Help on Help

The Help on Help command displays information on the Microsoft Advisor itself. It describes how the system is organized, how the mouse and keyboard commands are used to browse through Help, and how to use the various kinds of buttons you encounter.


The About command displays the CodeView copyright and version information in a dialog box.