Low-Level Graphics and Character-Font Functions

The low-level graphics and font functions are declared in the include file GRAPH.H.

The library can be divided into the eight categories listed below, which correspond to the different tasks involved in creating and manipulating graphic objects.

Category Task

Configuring mode and environment Selects the proper display mode for the hardware and establishes memory areas for writing and displaying images
Setting coordinates Specifies the logical origin and the active display area within the screen
Setting low-level graphics palettes Specifies a palette mapping for low-level graphics routines
Setting attributes Specifies background and foreground colors, fill masks, and line styles for low-level graphics routines
Creating graphics output Draws and fills figures
Creating text output Writes text on the screen
Transferring images Stores images in memory and retrieves them
Displaying fonts Displays text in character fonts compatible with Microsoft Windows

The following sections explain each of these categories.

Configuring Mode and Environment

Routines that configure the mode and environment establish the graphics or text mode of operation, determine the current graphics environment, and control the display of the cursor.

Routine Use

_clearscreen Erases the screen and fills it with the current background color
_getactivepage Gets the current active page number
_getbkcolor Returns the current background color
_getvideoconfig Obtains status of current graphics environment
_getvisualpage Gets the current visual page number
_grstatus Returns the status of the most recent graphics function call
_setactivepage Sets memory area for the active page for writing images
_setbkcolor Sets the current background color
_settextrows Sets the number of text rows
_setvideomode Selects an operating mode for the display screen
_setvideomoderows Sets the video mode and the number of rows for text operations
_setvisualpage Sets memory area for the current visual page

Setting Coordinates

The “set coordinates” routines set the current text or graphics position and convert pixel coordinates between the various graphics coordinate systems.

The Microsoft graphics functions recognize three sets of coordinates:

Fixed physical coordinates

View coordinates defined by the application

Window coordinates that can include floating-point values

The functions in this category establish window and view coordinate systems and translate between physical, view, and window coordinate systems.

Routine Use

_getcurrentposition Determines current position in view coordinates
_getcurrentposition_w Determines current position in window coordinates
_getphyscoord Converts view coordinates to physical coordinates
_getviewcoord Converts physical coordinates to view coordinates
_getviewcoord_w Converts window coordinates to view coordinates
_getviewcoord_wxy Converts window coordinates in _wxycoord structure to view coordinates
_getwindowcoord Converts view coordinates to window coordinates
_setcliprgn Limits graphic output to a region of the screen
_setvieworg Positions the view-coordinate origin
_setviewport Limits graphics output to a region of the screen and positions the view-coordinate origin to the upper-left corner of that region
_setwindow Defines a floating-point window coordinate system

The default view coordinate system is identical to the physical screen coordinate system. The physical origin (0, 0) is always in the upper-left corner of the display. The x axis extends in the positive direction left to right, while the y axis extends in the positive direction top to bottom.

The physical horizontal and vertical dimensions depend on the hardware display configuration and the selected mode. These values are accessible at run time by examining the numxpixels and numypixels fields of the _videoconfig structure returned by _getvideoconfig. (The _getvideoconfig routine is listed in the previous section.)

The _setvieworg function allows you to move the viewport origin to a new position relative to the physical screen.

Routines that refer to coordinates on the physical screen or viewport require integer values. However, in real-world graphing applications, you might wish to use floating-point values, such as stock prices or average rainfall. The window coordinate system allows you to display graphics using floating-point values instead of integers.

The _getcurrentposition and _getcurrentposition_w routines allow you to determine the location of the current graphics-output point.

The _setcliprgn function defines a restricted active display area on the screen. The _setviewport function does the same thing and also resets the viewport origin to the upper-left corner of the restricted active display area.

The physical coordinates of any view-coordinate point can be determined with the _getphyscoord function, and the view coordinates of any physical point can be determined with the _getviewcoord function.

The view coordinates of any window coordinate can be determined with the _getviewcoord_w and _getviewcoord_wxy functions. The window coordinates of any view coordinate can be determined with the _getwindowcoord function.

The _setwindow function defines the current viewport as a real-coordinate window bound by the specified floating-point values.

Setting Low-Level Graphics Palettes

Use the low-level palette routines to select or remap color palettes.

Routine Use

_remapallpalette Changes all color indexes in the current palette
_remappalette Changes a single color index in the current palette
_selectpalette Selects a predefined palette

Some video modes support a “color palette,” which is a table of the color values that can be displayed together on the screen at any given time. A “color value” is a long integer representing a color that can be displayed on your system.

In CGA color graphics modes, you can use the _selectpalette routine to choose one of several predefined palettes.

On EGA, MCGA, VGA, and SVGA video systems, you can “remap” (change) the palette using the _remappalette or _remapallpalette routines. For instance, the EGA _ERESCOLOR mode offers a total of 64 color values, of which 16 can be displayed at a time. In this mode, the palette contains 16 “color indices,” or slots to which you can assign color values.

The _remappalette routine changes a single color index to a specified color value. The _remapallpalette routine changes all of the available palette entries simultaneously.

Setting Attributes

The low-level output functions that draw lines, arcs, ellipses, and other basic figures do not specify color or line-style information. Instead, the low-level graphics functions rely on a set of attributes that are set independently by the following functions:

Routine Use

_getarcinfo Determines the endpoints in viewport coordinates of the most recently drawn arc or pie
_getcolor Gets the current color
_getfillmask Gets the current fill mask
_getlinestyle Gets the current line-style mask
_getwritemode Gets the current logical write mode
_setcolor Sets the current color
_setfillmask Sets the current fill mask
_setlinestyle Sets the current line-style mask
_setwritemode Sets logical write mode for line drawing

The _getcolor and _setcolor functions get or set the current color index for graphics and font output. The _getbkcolor and _setbkcolor functions get or set the current background color. (The _getbkcolor and _setbkcolor functions are listed in “Configuring Mode and Environment”.)

The _getfillmask and _setfillmask functions get or set the current fill mask. The mask is an 8-by-8-bit template array, with each bit representing a pixel. If a bit is 0, the pixel in memory is left untouched, as the mask is transparent to that pixel. If a bit is 1, the pixel is assigned the current color value. The template is repeated as necessary over the entire fill area.

The _getlinestyle and _setlinestyle functions get or set the current line style. The line style is determined by a 16-bit template buffer with each bit corresponding to a pixel. If a bit is 1, the pixel is set to the current color. If a bit is 0, the pixel is not changed. The template is repeated for the length of the line.

The _getwritemode and _setwritemode functions get or set the logical write mode for straight-line drawing. The default mode, _GPSET, causes lines to be drawn in the current graphics color. Other modes combine the current graphics color and the original screen image using various logical operations.

Creating Graphics Output

The graphics output functions use a set of specified coordinates and draw various figures. They use the current or default attributes for line-style mask, fill mask, write mode, background color, and foreground color.

The name of each function announces its task or the figure it draws, as the following list indicates:

Routine Use

_arc, _arc_w, _arc_wxy Draw an arc
_ellipse, _ellipse_w, _ellipse_wxy Draw an ellipse or circle
_floodfill, _floodfill_w Flood-fill an area of the screen with the current color
_getcurrentposition, _getcurrentposition_w Obtain the current graphic-output position used by _lineto and _outgtext
_getpixel, _getpixel_w Obtain a pixel's color
_lineto, _lineto_w Draw a line from the current graphic-output position to a specified point
_moveto, _moveto_w Move the current graphic-output position to a specified point
_pie, _pie_w, _pie_wxy Draw a pie-slice-shaped figure
_polygon, _polygon_w, _polygon_wxy Draw or scan-fill a polygon
_rectangle, _rectangle_w, _rectangle_wxy Draw or scan-fill a rectangle
_setpixel, _setpixel_w Set a pixel's color

Most of these routines are available in several forms, which are indicated by their names. Output functions without a suffix use the view coordinate system. Functions that end with _w take double values as arguments and use the window coordinate system. Functions that end with _wxy use _wxycoord structures to define the coordinates and use the window coordinate system.

Circular figures, such as arcs and ellipses, are centered within a “bounding rectangle” specified by two points that define the diagonally opposed corners of the rectangle. The center of the rectangle becomes the center of the figure, and the rectangle's borders determine the size of the figure.

Creating Text Output

The next group of routines provides text output in both graphics and text modes. Unlike the standard console I/O library routines, these functions recognize text-window boundaries and use the current text color.

Routine Use

_displaycursor Sets the cursor on or off upon exit from a graphics routine
_gettextcolor Obtains the current text color
_gettextcursor Returns the current cursor attribute (text modes only)
_gettextposition Obtains the current text-output position
_gettextwindow Gets the current text window boundaries
_outmem Prints text of a specified length from a memory buffer
_outtext Outputs a text string to the screen at the current text position
_scrolltextwindow Scrolls the current text window up or down
_settextcolor Sets the current text color
_settextcursor Sets the current cursor attribute (text modes only)
_settextposition Relocates the current text position
_settextwindow Defines the current text-display window
_wrapon Enables or disables line wrap

The _outtext and _outmem routines provide no formatting. If you want to output integer or floating-point values, you must convert the values into a string variable (using the sprintf function) before calling these routines.

The _outtext routine recognizes the \n (newline character) and \r (carriage return) sequences. The _outmem routine treats these sequences as printable graphics characters.

Transferring Images

The functions in this category transfer screen images between memory and the display, using a buffer allocated by the application, or determine the size in bytes of the buffer needed to store a given image.

The functions that end with _w or _wxy use window coordinates; the other functions in this set use view coordinates.

Routine Use

_getimage, _getimage_w, _getimage_wxy Store a screen image in memory
_imagesize, _imagesize_w, _imagesize_wxy Return the size (in bytes) of the buffer needed to store the image
_putimage, _putimage_w Retrieve an image from memory and display it

In some cases, the buffer needed to store an image with the _getimage functions must be larger than 64K (65,534) bytes. Use the _halloc routine to allocate a buffer larger than 64K.

Displaying Fonts

The functions listed in this section control the display of font-based characters on the screen.

Routine Use

_getfontinfo Obtains the current font characteristics
_getgtextextent Determines the width in pixels of specified text in the current font
_getgtextvector Gets orientation of font text output
_outgtext Outputs text in the current font to the screen at the specified pixel position
_registerfonts Initializes font library
_setfont Finds a single font that matches a specified set of characteristics and makes this font the current font for use by the _outgtext function
_setgtextvector Sets the current orientation for font text output
_ungisterfonts Frees memory allocated by _registerfonts