23.5 Managing Help Files

When you run the SETUP program for Microsoft C/C++, you are given a choice of whether to install the Help files. If you choose to install Help, SETUP copies the Help files to the directory that you specify. By default, this is the C700\Help directory.

Several other Microsoft products contain a Microsoft Advisor Help system. If you have more than one of these products, you can use all the files as one system by copying all .HLP files to a common directory. However, make sure that Windows Help files are separate from the Advisor Help files.

Some Help files, such as UTILS.HLP, exist in other Microsoft language products. When an existing Help file has the same filename as a MicrosoftC/C++ Help file, use the most recent file. Note that the files RC.HLP and UTILERR.HLP are obsolete and should be deleted or moved to another directory.

The HELPFILES environment variable tells the Advisor where to find Help files. You usually set this variable in AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you move the Help files, make sure to change the SET command in AUTOEXEC.BAT to point HELPFILES to the new location.