Declaring the Class

A class declaration looks similar to a structure declaration, except that it has both functions and data as members, instead of just data. The following is a preliminary version of a class that describes a date.

// The Date class

#include <iostream.h>

// ------------ a Date class

class Date



Date( int mn, int dy, int yr ); // Constructor

void display(); // Function to print date

~Date(); // Destructor


int month, day, year; // Private data members


This class declaration is roughly equivalent to the combination of an ordinary structure declaration plus a set of function prototypes. It declares the following:

The contents of each instance of Date: the integers month, day, and year. These are the class's “data members.”

The prototypes of three functions that you can use with Date: Date, ~Date, and display. These are the class's “member functions.”

You supply the definitions of the member functions after the class declaration. Here are the definitions of Date's member functions:

// some useful functions

inline int max( int a, int b )


if( a > b ) return a;

return b;


inline int min( int a, int b )


if( a < b ) return a;

return b;


// ---------- The constructor

Date::Date( int mn, int dy, int yr )


static int length[] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,

31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

// Ignore leap years for simplicity

month = max( 1, mn );

month = min( month, 12 );

day = max( 1, dy );

day = min( day, length[month] );

year = max( 1, year );


// -------- Member function to printdate

void Date::display()


static char *name[] =


"zero", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May",

"June", "July", "August", "September", "October",



cout << name[month] << ' ' << day << ", " << year;


// ---------- The destructor



// do nothing


The display function looks familiar, but the Date and ~Date functions are new. They are called the “constructor” and “destructor,” respectively, and they are used to create and destroy objects, or instances of a class. They are described later in this chapter.

These are not all the member functions that a Date class needs, but they are sufficient to demonstrate the basic syntax for writing a class. Later in this chapter, we'll add more functionality to the class.

Here's a program that uses the rudimentary Date class:

// ========== Program that demonstrates the Date class

void main()


Date myDate( 3, 12, 1985 ); // Declare a Date

Date yourDate( 23, 259, 1966 ); // Declare an invalid Date


cout << '\n';


cout << '\n';
