The IMPLIB Command Line

To run IMPLIB, use the following command line:

IMPLIB [[options]] implibname {dllfile... | deffile...}

The options field specifies IMPLIB options, which are explained in the next section.

The implibname field specifies the name for the new import library. You can specify a path with the filename.

The dllfile field specifies the name of a DLL. You can use the deffile field to specify a module-definition file for the DLL rather than the DLL itself. You can enter multiple dllfile and deffile specifications. When you specify a DLL, IMPLIB puts all exports from the DLL into the import library. To include only a subset of the DLL's exported items in the import library, specify a module-definition file that contains only those exports.

IMPLIB does not assume default extensions for any field. You must specify the full names of input and output files and include the file extensions.


IMPLIB mylib.lib mylib.dll

This command creates the import library named MYLIB.LIB from the dynamic-link library MYLIB.DLL.