MC (Memory Compare)


MC range address



Range of first block of memory.


Starting address of second block of memory.


The Memory Compare (MC) command compares the bytes in a given range of memory with the corresponding bytes beginning at another address. If one or more pairs of corresponding bytes do not match, the command displays each pair of mismatched bytes.

You can enter arguments to the Memory Compare (MC) command in any radix, but the output of the command is always in hexadecimal.


The following example compares the block of memory from 100 to 1FF with the block from 300 to 3FF. CodeView reports that the third and ninth bytes differ in the two ranges.

>MC 100 1FF 300 ;* hexadecimal radix assumed

004E:0102 0A 00 004E:0302

004E:0108 0A 01 004E:0308


The following example compares the 100 bytes starting at the address of arr1[0] with the 100 bytes starting at the address of arr2[0].

>MC arr1[0] L 100 arr2[0] ;* decimal radix assumed


Because CodeView produced no output, the first 100 bytes of each array are identical.