A.5 Predefined Regular Expressions

PWB predefines several regular expressions. The definitions in the following table are listed in quoted non-UNIX syntax, as they would appear in a PWB macro. Use a predefined expression by entering \:e (UNIX) or :e (non-UNIX).

Table A.7 Predefined Regular Expressions and Definitions

Definition (non-UNIX)

:a Alphanumeric character "[a-zA-Z0-9]"
:b White space "([ \t]#)"
:c Alphabetic character "[a-zA-Z]"
:d Digit "[0-9]"
:f Part of a filename "([~/\\\\ \\\"\\[\\]\\:+=;,.]#!..!.)"
:h Hexadecimal number "([0-9a-fA-F]#)"
:i Microsoft C/C++ identifier "([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]@)"
:n Unsigned number "([0-9]#.[0-9]@![0-9]@.[0-9]#![0-9]#)"
:p Path "(([A-Za-z]\\:!)(\\\\!/!)(:f(.:f!)(\\\\!/))@:f(.:f!.!))"
:q Quoted string "(\"[~\"]@\"!'[~']@')"
:w English word "([a-zA-Z]#)"
:z Unsigned integer "([0-9]#)"