identifier:A name that identifies a register or a location in memory and usually represents a program element such as a constant, variable, type, or routine. The terms identifier and symbol are used synonymously in most documentation.

IEEE format (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers):A standard for representing floating-point numbers, performing math with them, and handling underflow/overflow conditions. The 8087 family of math processors and the Microsoft emulator library implement this format.

import library:A library, created by IMPLIB, that contains entry points in DLLs. It does not contain the actual code for routines and data. An import library is used to resolve references at link time in the same way as a standard library; each is a type of static library. See “dynamic-link library” and “standard library.”

.INC:The extension for an include file in Microsoft Macro Assembler.

include file:A file that is merged into a program's source code with a file-inclusion command. In C, this command is the #include preprocessor directive. In FORTRAN, it is the INCLUDE keyword or the $INCLUDE metacommand. In Microsoft Macro Assembler, the equivalent command is the INCLUDE directive. In a .DEF file, the INCLUDE statement performs this action. In an NMAKE makefile, it is the !INCLUDE directive.

.INI:The extension for an initialization file.

INIT:The environment variable usually used by a program to find an initialization file.

installable file system:A file system that exists in addition to the FAT file system.

integer:In CodeView and the C language, a whole number represented as a 16-bit two's complement binary number that has a range from –32,768 through +32,767. See also “long integer.”

interoverlay call:A call from a function in one overlay to a function in another overlay, represented internally by an entry in a thunk table.

interrupt call:A machine-level procedure that can be called to execute a BIOS, DOS, or other function. You can trace into BIOS interrupt-service routines with CodeView, but not into the DOS interrupt (0x21).

I/O privilege mechanism:A facility that allows a process to ask a device driver for direct access to the device's I/O ports and any dedicated or mapped memory locations it has. The I/O privilege mechanism can be used directly by an application or indirectly by a dynamic-link library.