SYSTEM.INI Entries for Audio Device Drivers

The SYSTEM.INI file contains information for loading and configuring your device driver. Your device driver must be identified in the [drivers] section. Your device driver might also have entries in the [386enh] section if it requires any VxDs for operation. The [drivers] and [386enh] sections are updated by the installation program when your device is installed or removed. Your driver might reserve a section in the SYSTEM.INI that it uses to store configuration information. For more information on this section, see “The Installable Driver Interface,” later in this chapter.

The required entry that identifies your driver in the [drivers] section lets Windows load the driver. If this entry is absent, your driver won't be recognized. While installation programs normally add the necessary entry for completed audio devices, you might have to manually add it while you are developing your device driver. (You might also have to manually add any [386enh] entries you need. Your device driver should let the installation program create and delete the entries in these two sections.) For waveform devices, a key name of “wave” specifies the name of your driver. For MIDI devices, a key name of “midi” specifies the name of your driver. If there is more than one driver for a given device type, append a number from 1 to 9 after the key name. For example, the following [drivers] section of SYSTEM.INI identifies one waveform device driver named “SNDBLST2.DRV” and two MIDI device drivers named “ADLIB.DRV” and “MPU401.DRV.”







The preferred method for installing for audio drivers uses the Drivers option in the Control Panel. The Drivers option uses information in the OEMSETUP.INF file for your driver to add the entries in the [drivers] section as well as entries in the [386enh] section to install any VxDs you require. The procedures for creating OEMSETUP.INF file are included with the procedures for creating a distribution disk for your driver.


After installing an audio driver with the Drivers option in the Control Panel, Windows must be restarted to load the driver.