typedef struct PFMHEADER {

WORD dfVersion;

WORD dfSize;

char dfCopyright[60];

WORD dfType;

WORD dfPoints;

WORD dfVertRes;

WORD dfHorizRes;

WORD dfAscent;

WORD dfInternalLeading;

WORD dfExternalLeading;

BYTE dfItalic;

BYTE dfUnderline;

BYTE dfStrikeOut;

WORD dfWeight;

BYTE dfCharSet;

WORD dfPixWidth;

WORD dfPixHeight;

BYTE dfPitchAndFamily;

WORD dfAvgWidth;

WORD dfMaxWidth;

BYTE dfFirstChar;

BYTE dfLastChar;

BYTE dfDefaultChar;

BYTE dfBreakChar;

WORD dfWidthBytes;

DWORD dfDevice;

DWORD dfFace;

DWORD dfBitsPointer;

DWORD dfBitsOffset;


The PFMHEADER structure contains the information about a Windows raster or vector font. The PFMHEADER structure is identical to the Windows 2.x FONTINFO structure. The PFMHEADER structure is also identical to a font-file header. For more information about the FONTINFO structure, see the Microsoft Windows Device Driver Adaptation Guide.