aspect-ratio = "description", screen-font-file
"cartridge-title" = PCM-file
The CARTRIDGE statement defines the PCM file and screen-font files
associated with a given cartridge. The statement provides one or more sets
of aspect-ratio and cartridge-title parameters defining these associations.
Specifies the width and height of the screen font in lines-per-inch. This parameter has the following form:
More than one aspect ratio may be listed by separating each with a comma.
Specifies a string identifying the screen-font face and other information, such as the device for which the font was designed. This string should be identical to the text that immediately follows the colon (:) in the DESCRIPTION statement of the font resource file. Control Panel also uses the DESCRIPTION statement to create an entry for the font under the [Fonts] section in the WIN.INI file. The parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
Specifies the name and location of the screen-font file. This parameter should consist of a logical disk identifier (as given in a preceding DRIVE statement) and the filename of the screen-font file. If the file is not in the root directory on the given disk, the full path of the file should be used.
Specifies the name of the cartridge displayed in the Printer Font Installer's list box. This name should, but does not need to, match the title in the PCM file.
Specifies the name and location of the PCM file for the cartridge. This parameter should consist of a logical disk identifier (as given in a preceding DRIVE statement) and the filename of the screen font file. If the file is not in the root directory on the given disk, the full path of the file should be used.