24.16 Miscellaneous Services

There are the following miscellaneous services:

Service Description

Begin_Reentrant_Execution Start re-entrant execution.
End_Reentrant_Execution End re-entrant execution.
GetSetDetailedVMError Gets and sets error information.
Hook_Device_PM_API Installs a protected-mode API callback.
Hook_Device_Service Installs a hook for a device service.
Hook_Device_V86_API Installs a V86-mode API callback.
Install_Exception_Handler Installs an exception handler.
Map_Flat Converts a V86 or protected-mode address.
Map_Lin_To_VM_Addr Converts a linear address.
MMGR_SetNULPageAddr Sets the physical address of system nul page.
Remove_Exception_Handler Removes an exception handler.
Set_Delete_On_Exit_File Adds a file to the list to delete when exiting.
Set_System_Exit_Code Sets the Windows exit code value.
System_Control Sends a control message to all virtual devices.