6.1.2 Enabling and Disabling the Driver

When Windows is ready to receive keyboard input, it enables the driver by calling the Enable function. When Windows no longer requires keyboard input (when terminating or switching to a full-screen MS-DOS application, for example), it disables the driver by calling the Disable function.

The Enable function is responsible for:

Saving the address of the keyboard-event callback function

Initializing the Windows virtual-key state array

Installing the keyboard-interrupt handler

Installing language- and keyboard-specific translation tables

When Windows calls Enable, it passes the address of the keyboard-event call-back function. Enable saves this address—the keyboard-interrupt handler uses it to pass scan and virtual-key codes back to Windows.

Windows also passes the address of its 256-element, virtual-key state array
(sometimes called the keyboard-state vector) to Enable. The elements in this
array specify the state of the virtual keys. Windows sets bit 7 in an element if the corresponding virtual key is down, and clears the bit if the key is up. Similarly, Windows toggles bit zero each time the virtual key is pressed. Although Windows maintains the key-state array, Enable initializes the array to reflect to current state of the SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, NUMLOCK, CAPSLOCK, and SCROLLLOCK keys as specified by the keyboard flags in the RAM area used by the ROM BIOS. (On most computers, the keyboard flags are at address 40h:17h.)


If the keyboard driver reads data from the ROM BIOS, it must use the special segment selector, __ROMBIOS, to create ROM BIOS addresses. The selector (exported by the Windows kernel as KERNEL.173) corresponds to ROM BIOS address 0F0000H.

To install the driver's own keyboard-interrupt handler, the Enable function first saves the existing keyboard-interrupt handler. (On most computers, the keyboard interrupt is Interrupt 9.) The original handler address is saved to allow the Disable function to restore it as well as to allow the driver to call the original handler for

certain actions. Enable should also save the address of the Keyboard Service routine (Interrupt 16h). The Enable and other functions use this address to set the keyboard lights.

Finally, Enable installs the proper language- and keyboard-specific translation tables. To do so, the function reads the type, subtype, KEYBOARD.DLL, and OEMANSI.BIN settings from the [Keyboard] section of the SYSTEM.INI file. The Windows Setup program or Control Panel establish the values for these settings. Enable uses the values to determine which type and subtype of keyboard to support as well as with language-specific support libraries to load. If the values are not given in the SYSTEM.INI file, the keyboard must choose default values based on the computer-type identifier and keyboard-type identifier (if the ROM BIOS provides one).


To support computers in which the keyboard and mouse use the same interrupt, Windows disables and enables both the keyboard and mouse drivers when switching to and from a full-screen MS-DOS application. Windows always enables the drivers in the reverse order in which it disables the drivers.