1.3 Installing the DDK

The DDK disks consist of device driver and virtual device sources, tools, utilities, and online information. You install most of these files by manually copying files from the DDK disks to directories on your hard drive.

·To install the DDK:

1.Locate the LIB directory on one of the Device Driver Samples and Tools disks, and copy all libraries to your WINDEV\LIB directory.

2.Locate the INC directory on one of the Device Driver Samples and Tools disks, and copy all header files to your WINDEV\INCLUDE directory.

3.Locate the TOOLS directory on one or more of the Device Driver Samples and Tools disks, and copy all executable files to your WINDEV directory.

4.Copy the following files to the WINDEV directory:


These files are located in the Device Driver Samples and Tools Disk #1.

·To install virtual device files:

1.Locate the INCLUDE directory (on one of the Virtual Device Samples and Tools disks), and copy all header files to your WINDEV\INCLUDE directory.

2.Locate the TOOLS directory (on one or more of the Virtual Device Samples and Tools disks), and copy all executable files to the WINDEV directory.

·To install Windows device driver and virtual device sample sources:

1.Locate the directory or directories containing the sample you want on either the Device Driver Samples and Tools disks or the Virtual Device Samples and Tools disks.

Make sure you check all disks for the appropriate source files—some source directories are too large to fit on a single disk.

2.Use the xcopy command to copy all sample files and directories to the WINDEV directory on your hard drive.

For example, to install the sample sources for 1-plane display drivers, use the following command:

xcopy a:\display\1plane c:\windev\display\1plane /s /e /v

Use the /s switch to copy subdirectories, the /e switch to copy empty directories, and the /v switch to help you verify that the files are copied correctly.

3.Decompress the source files using the batch file TREEEXP.BAT now located in your WINDEV directory.

To decompress files, start at the topmost directory first. For example, to decompress the 1-plane display driver sources, use the following commands:


cd \windev\display\1plane


The TREEEXP.BAT and related files decompress each file in the directory, and in all subdirectories.

·To install the minidriver samples and tools:

1.Copy EXPAND.EXE from the Minidriver Samples and Tools disk to the WINDEV directory on your hard drive.

2.Locate the INC directory on the Minidriver Samples and Tools disk, and expand and copy all header files to the WINDEV\INCLUDE directory on your hard drive. Use the following command:

expand a:\inc\*.* c:\inc

3.Locate the LIB directory on the Minidriver Samples and Tools disk, and expand and copy all library files to the WINDEV\LIB directory on your hard drive. Use the following command:

expand a:\lib\*.* c:\lib

4.Create a UNITOOL directory on your hard drive.

5.Locate the UNITOOL directory on the Minidriver Samples and Tools disk, and copy UNITOOL.EXE and UNITOOL.HLP to the WINDEV directory on your hard drive. These files are not compressed.

6.Locate the UNITOOL directory on the Minidriver Samples and Tools disk, and copy the UNITOOL.INF file to your WINDOWS directory. This file is not compressed.

Once UNITOOL.INF is installed, UNITOOL.EXE can automatically copy and
expand the sample files it requires from the Minidriver Samples and Tools disk,
so no additional installation is required for UniTool.

·To install the Multimedia device driver samples:

1.Insert the disk in a disk drive and, from the MS-DOS command line, change to that drive.

2.Type the command:

install c:\windev

3.Carry this procedure for each of the Multimedia Samples and Tools disks.

·To complete the installation of the DDK:

1.Install the online information files. For each Online Documentation disk, copy all files on the disk to the WINDEV directory on your hard drive.

2.Install the Display Compatibility Test Suite (DCT). Insert the Windows DCT Setup disk in a disk drive and, from the DOS command line, change to that drive. Type the command:


DCT automatically starts Windows when it starts. Follow the instructions on your screen.

3.Install the Printer Compatibility Test Suite (PCT). Insert the Windows PCT Setup disk in a disk drive and, from the MS-DOS command line, change to that drive. Type the command:


Follow the instructions on your screen.

4.Install the Network Compatibility Test Suite (NCT). Insert the NCT disk #1 in a disk drive and, from the MS-DOS command line, change to that drive. Type the command:


Follow the instructions on your screen.