1.4 Verifying the Installation

Make sure all tools and sources you need have been properly installed. The best way to do this is to build one of the sample device drivers.

·To verify the installation:

1.Close all applications and remove all memory-resident programs (as needed) to free 620K of conventional memory. If necessary, load device drivers in high memory.

2.Choose a sample driver to build.

In general, choose a driver that supports the same type of device as yours.

3.Check the makefile of the sample driver for any build instructions located at the beginning of the file.

4.Use the Make program to build the sample driver. Make compiles, assembles, and links driver sources as directed by the makefile.

The Make program displays an error message and stops if the necessary tools or sources are not properly installed. If a error occurs, review the error message and make sure the specified tool or source file is where it should be.