Before you begin developing your driver, you'll need to set up the development environment. This environment includes the following hardware:
A 286- or 386-based computer with a clock speed of 16MHz or above.
At least 2 megabytes or more of memory (4 megabytes is recommended for 386 enhanced mode).
A fast hard disk for compiling and linking.
An EGA or VGA display.
A Microsoft Mouse (or any other mouse compatible with Windows).
The printer for which you are creating a minidriver.
Printer accessories such as font cartridges, sheet-feeders, paper cassettes, and so on.
The development environment includes the following languages, tools, and software:
The Microsoft C Compiler version 6.0.
The tools and files included with the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Software Development Kit.
The Windows 3.1 retail product and various Windows applications (for debugging and testing the more complicated areas of your driver and device).
Two library files (SLIBCEW.LIB and LIBW.LIB). The MS-DOS LIB environment variable must identify the directory that contains these files.
The following include files: PRINT.H, GDIDEFS.INC, MINDRVRC.H, and DECLARE.H. The MS-DOS INCLUDE environment variable must identify the directories that contains these files.
The UniTool application (UNITOOL.EXE).
The UniTool information file (UNITOOL.INF).
The UniTool help file (UNITOOL.HLP).
The minidriver source file (MINIDRIV.C).
The minidriver makefile (MAKEFILE).