Document Conventions

The following conventions are used throughout this manual to define syntax.

Convention Meaning

Bold text Denotes a term or character to be typed literally, such as a function name (Control) or a structure (GDIINFO). You must type these terms exactly as shown.
Italic text Denotes a placeholder or variable: You must provide the actual value. For example, the command sequence (ESC(snS)) requires you to substitute values for n.
BEGIN . . . END Represents an omitted portion of a sample application.

In addition, certain text conventions are used to help you understand this material.

Convention Meaning

SMALL CAPITALS Indicate the names of keys, key sequences, and key combinations—for example, ALT+SPACEBAR.
FULL CAPITALS Indicate filenames and paths, most type and structure names (which are also bold), and constants.
monospace Sets off code examples and shows syntax spacing.