6.1.3 Graphics Dump Data

The fDump dialog box contains controls which specify how the printer processes bytes of graphics data, whether the printer supports color at the specified resolution. You display the fDump dialog box by double-clicking the fDump entry in the Resolution Bitwords list box. The fDump dialog box is shown in the following illustration:

The following list describes the significance of the controls in the fDump dialog box:

Control Meaning

RES_DM_GDI Specifies that each byte of bitmapped data corresponds to 8 consecutive horizontal pels of bitmapped data. This is the same format used by the Windows graphics device interface (GDI).
RES_DM_LEFT_BOUND Specifies that the Universal Printer Driver should attempt to minimize the amount of raster data sent to the printer in each band. The Universal Printer Driver will do this by substituting cursor-movement commands in place of white space raster data to the left of the bounding rectangle that contains all the raster data in the band that can be printed. If this bit is not set, the Universal Printer Driver will control horizontal positioning of raster data by moving to the leftmost printing position on the page and padding the null raster data.
RES_DM_COLOR Specifies that the printer supports color output at the specified resolution.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, each byte of bitmapped data corresponds to a vertical column (not a horizontal row) of 8 adjacent pels; therefore, the RES_DM_GDI box is not checked. The optimization described for the RES_DM_LEFT_BOUND bit are preferred, so that bit is checked. This printer does not support color output at any resolution, so the RES_DM_COLOR box is not checked.

HP LaserJet IIP

For the HP LaserJet IIP printer, each byte of data corresponds to 8 consecutive horizontal pels, so the RES_DM_GDI box is checked. However, this printer does not support color output at any resolution, so the RES_DM_COLOR box is not checked.