7.5.4 Disabling Italic Simulation

The FS_OCD_ITALIC_OFF box contains the command which disables italic simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, the Italic Mode Off command (ESC5) disables italic simulations.

To specify the Italic Mode Off command, type the following in the FS_OCD_ITALIC_OFF box:


HP LaserJet IIP

For the HP LaserJet IIP, in the FS_OCD_ITALIC_OFF box, the font-style command (ESC(snS) specifies if the font is italicized or plain text. If n is 1, the characters are italicized; if n is 0, they are plain text.

To specify plain text, type the following in the FS_OCD_ITALIC_OFF box:
