3.1 The Main Window

The main window of the PFM Editor contains several fields that give general identifying information about the font. All of these members appear in the PFMHEADER structure.

You should always specify at least the Pitch member before selecting any of the metrics or dialog boxes described in the following sections.

The following members appear in the main window.

Member Description

Font Name The name of the font, such as Courier̉.
Char Set The character set the font represents. It can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning

0 Windows ANSI
180 Math-8 (PCL driver only)
181 PI Font (PCL driver only)
182 LineDraw (PCL driver only)
183 PC Line (PCL driver only)
184 Tax Line (PCL driver only)
185 US Legal (PCL driver only)
255 OEM character set

Pitch Two selections: Fixed and Proportional.
Member Description (continued)

Effects Three selections indicating the appearance of the font: Italic, Underline, Strikeout.
Font Family Six selections: Don't Care, Roman, Swiss, Modern, Script, and Decorative. The driver uses the family to classify fonts for identification and selection purposes.
Points The point size of a font, or its height in units of 1/72 of an inch.
Weight The weight of the font minus a number from 0 to 1000. 400 represents a normal, medium font. Larger numbers represent bold fonts.
Copyright A 60-character string containing the font supplier's copyright notice.