3.2 The File Menu

The File menu contains all the standard Windows File menu commands along with one extra command: Create PCM File. The following is a list with descriptions of those commands.

Command Description

New Causes the PFM Editor to reinitialize itself, and display an empty, untitled PFM file.
Open Displays a standard Open File Name dialog box. PFM is the default file extension.
Save Saves the PFM file with the same name as previously used in a Load or Save operation. If the file is untitled, the Save As dialog box appears.
Save As Allows the user to specify a filename before saving.
Create PCM File Allows the user to create a cartridge-metrics file for the PCL driver.
Exit Exits the PFM Editor.
About Displays an informational dialog box.

As with all applications, the user is given the opportunity to save or cancel if the New, Open, or Exit commands are chosen when the current file has been saved, but not changed.