3.3.2 The Extended Metrics Dialog Box

The extended font metrics are a more detailed description of the font's geometry. The dialog box contains the following text boxes.

Text box Description

Lower Case ,  
Ascent The distance in font units from the baseline to the top of lowercase ascenders, typically measured from the lower-case d.
Descent The distance in font units from the baseline to the bottom of descenders, usually specified for lowercase p.
Point Size The intended size of the font in twips (1/20th of a point, or 1/1440 of an inch).
Cap Height The height in font units of the font's uppercase characters, usually taken for the character H.
X Height The height in font units of lowercase characters, usually the height of the lowercase x.
Slant The angle in tenths of a degree clockwise from the vertical.
Master Height The size in device units at which the values in the extent table are exact.
Master Units The Master Height text expressed in font units. If the two are different, then the device is a linear scaling device, and the application needs to scale all values by the ratio of the requested size to this value.
Scale ,  
Min and Max The minimum and maximum sizes to which a linear scaling device can scale a font.
Orientation ,  
Portrait and Landscape The orientation of the font, which may be either or both.

The Master Height, Master Units, and Min and Max Scale boxes are used on devices that can scale fonts linearly to any size. On devices that do not scale fonts, these numbers should all be equal to the value in the Height box from the Basic Metrics dialog box.

All these members come from the EXTTEXTMETRIC structure.