7.5 Compiling with the MKPRN Utility

The MKPRN utility, an MS-DOS utility, takes a PPD file and all the PFM files referenced in the PPD file, and produces the WPD file needed for a printer to be supported by the Windows PostScript printer driver. The utility has the following command syntax:

mkprn [/v] [/s] ppd-file

Parameter Description

/v An optional verbose switch. This causes MKPRN to print messages as it processes various elements in the PPD file. This may be useful for debugging PPD files.
/s Suppresses combining the PSS, CAP, and DIR files into one WPD file. This is used only when building the driver sources, and is not intended for use by external printers.
ppd-file This is the base filename (with no extension) of the PPD file to be processed. The WPD file shares this base filename.

Error messages are printed for fonts that are not found and for identifiers that are not recognized. If fonts are not found, they are not built into the WPD file and have to be added as soft fonts as described in the next section.