5.4.1 Generated PFM File Names

The PFM file generator builds the following PFM filename.

Value Meaning

1, 2 First two characters from the font filename.
3 P, L, or X for portrait, landscape, or both orientations.
4 B, R, I, or E for bold, roman, italic, or bold/italic (enhanced).
5, 6, 7 Point size in points.
8 Magic number.

The “magic number” is used by the installer to ensure that the filename is unique. It starts out at zero. If a file already exists by that name, it is incremented to 1. The installer continues to increment the number to 9, then A through Z. If it fails to find a unique filename out of the 36 possibilities, then it will not build the PFM file and reports a “Cannot build PFM file” error message.