7.5.10 Disabling Strikethrough Simulation

The FS_OCD_STRIKETHRU_OFF control contains the command which disables the strikethrough simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus

The Diconix 150 Plus printer does not support strikethrough text; therefore, the FS_OCD_STRIKETHRU_OFF box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP

The HP LaserJet IIP printer does not support strikethrough text; therefore, the FS_OCD_STRIKETHRU_OFF box is empty.

Once you have entered the font-simulation commands and data for your printer, you should either begin entering the commands and data for downloadable device fonts, or you should begin entering model data for your printer. (If your printer supports the HP PCL, you should enter commands and data to download device fonts; if your printer supports a different page-description language or technology, skip the downloadable-font commands and begin entering model data.)