7.6.6 Font Format Information

The fFormat button displays the fFormat dialog box. This dialog box contains controls that the Universal Printer Driver uses for TrueType support on Hewlett-Packard printers that use PCL. The following illustration shows the fFormat dialog box:

The following list provides a brief description of each control.

Control Description

DLI_FMT_PCL Specifies that the printer uses the Hewlett Packard Printer-Control Language (PCL).
DLI_FMT_INCREMENT Specifies that the printer should download only those characters required to print a single job. If this box is not checked, the Universal Printer Driver downloads the entire character set to the printer for a given font.

HP LaserJet IIP

For the HP LaserJet IIP printer, the DLI_FMT_PCL box is checked because the printer supports Hewlett Packard's PCL, and the DLI_FMT_INCREMENT box is checked because the printer should use an incremental download rather than downloading the entire character set for a given font.