This message is sent to a waveform output device driver to stop playback of a waveform and return all data blocks in the playback queue to the client.


DWORD dwParam1


DWORD dwParam2


Return Value

The return value is an error code, or zero (MMSYSERR_NOERROR) if the operation is successful. Possible error codes are:


The driver failed to load or initialize.


If the driver is playing or paused, it should stop playback immediately and mark all pending data blocks as done by setting the WHDR_DONE bit in the dwFlags field of the WAVEHDR structure for each block. The driver should then notify the client by using DriverCallback to send a WOM_DONE message for each data block. If playback was paused, the driver should take itself out of the paused state. The driver should reset its position count to zero.