
  int FAR PASCAL CloseJob(hJob)    
  HANDLE hJob;    

The CloseJob function closes the print job identified by the given handle.



Identifies the print job to close. The handle must have been previously opened using the OpenJob function.

Return Value

The return value is positive if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is one of the following error values.

Value Meaning

SP_ERROR (-1) A general error condition or general error in banding occurred.
SP_APPABORT (-2) The job was stopped because the application's callback function returned FALSE (0).
SP_USERABORT (-3) The user stopped the print job by choosing the Delete button from Print Manager.
SP_OUTOFDISK (-4) A lack of disk space caused the job to stop. There is not enough disk space to create or extend the Print Manager temporary file.
SP_OUTOFMEMORY (-5) A lack of memory caused the job to stop.

See Also
