
  int FAR PASCAL DeleteJob(hJob, wDummy)    
  HANDLE hJob;    
  WORD wDummy;    

The DeleteJob function deletes the given print job from the printing queue. A driver should call this function if it detects an error condition, or is asked to quit a job by the application.



Identifies the print job to delete. The handle must have been previously opened using the OpenJob function.


Reserved; must be set to zero.

Return Value

The return value is positive if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is one of the following error values.

Value Meaning

SP_ERROR (-1) A general error condition or general error in banding occurred.
SP_APPABORT (-2) The job was stopped because the application's callback function returned FALSE (0).
SP_USERABORT (-3) The user stopped the print job by choosing the Delete button from Print Manager.
SP_OUTOFDISK (-4) A lack of disk space caused the job to stop. There is not enough disk space to create or extend the Print Manager temporary file.
SP_OUTOFMEMORY (-5) A lack of memory caused the job to stop.

See Also
