typedef struct tagCONFIG_BIN {

/* machine-dependent parameters */

short VertThumHeight; /* vertical thumb height (in pixels) */

short HorizThumWidth; /* horizontal thumb width (in pixels) */

short IconXRatio; /* icon width (in pixels) */

short IconYRatio; /* icon height (in pixels) */

short CurXRatio; /* cursor width (in pixels) */

short CurYRatio; /* cursor height (in pixels) */

short Reserved; /* reserved */

short XBorder; /* vertical-line width */

short YBorder; /* horizontal-line width */

/* default-system color values */

RGBQUAD clrScrollbar;

RGBQUAD clrDesktop;

RGBQUAD clrActiveCaption;

RGBQUAD clrInactiveCaption;

RGBQUAD clrMenu;

RGBQUAD clrWindow;

RGBQUAD clrWindowFrame;

RGBQUAD clrMenuText;

RGBQUAD clrWindowText;

RGBQUAD clrCaptionText;

RGBQUAD clrActiveBorder;

RGBQUAD clrInactiveBorder;

RGBQUAD clrAppWorkspace;

RGBQUAD clrHiliteBk;

RGBQUAD clrHiliteText;

RGBQUAD clrBtnFace;

RGBQUAD clrBtnShadow;

RGBQUAD clrGrayText;

RGBQUAD clrBtnText;

RGBQUAD clrInactiveCaptionText;


The CONFIG.BIN resource defines the default values for system colors, line widths (both horizontal and vertical), scroll bar “thumb” sizes, and cursor and icon widths or compression ratios.

The CONFIG.BIN resource is required for display drivers.



Specifies the height in pixels of the vertical scroll-bar thumb.


Specifies the width in pixels of the horizontal scroll-bar thumb.


Specifies either the icon width (in pixels) or the compression ratio. If a width is specified, it must be greater than 10. The icon resources in the driver must have the specified width. If a compression ratio is specified, it must be either 1 or 2, and all icon resources in the display driver must be 64-by-64-bits.


Specifies either the icon height (in pixels) or the compression ratio. If a width is specified, it must be greater than 10. The icon resources in the driver must have the specified width. If a compression ratio is specified, it must be either 1 or 2, and all icon resources in the display driver must be 64-by-64-bits.


Specifies either the cursor width (in pixels) or the compression ratio. If a width is specified, it must be greater than 10. The cursor resources in the driver must have the specified width. If a compression ratio is specified, it must be either 1 or 2, and all cursor resources in the display driver must be 32-by-32-bits.


Specifies either the cursor height (in pixels) or the compression ratio. If a height is specified, it must be greater than 10. The cursor resources in the driver must have the specified height. If a compression ratio is specified, it must be either 1 or 2, and all cursor resources in the display driver must be 32-by-32-bits.


Reserved; must be zero.


Specifies the thickness in pixels of vertical lines.


Specifies the thickness in pixels of horizontal lines.


Specifies the color of the scroll bar.


Specifies the color of the Windows background.


Specifies the color of the caption in the active window.


Specifies the color of the caption in an inactive window.


Specifies the color of the menu background.


Specifies the color of a window's background.


Specifies the color of the window frame.


Specifies the color of the text in a menu.


Specifies the color of the text in a window.


Specifies the color of the text in an active caption.


Specifies the default color of the text in an active border.


Specifies the color of the text in an inactive border.


Specifies the color of the application workspace (MDI background).


Specifies the highlight color used in menus, edit controls, list boxes, and so on.


Specifies the text color for highlighted text.


Specifies the color of the 3-D button face shading.


Specifies the color of the 3-D button edge shadow.


Specifies the color of solid gray to be used for drawing disabled items. This member must be set to RGB(0,0,0) if no solid gray is available.


Specifies the color of button text.


Specifies the color of the text in an inactive caption.


The resource identifier for this structure is 1; the resource type is OEMBIN.

The recommended default system colors depend on the type of display. There are the following recommended values.

Member 16-Color 256-Color

clrActiveBorder 192,192,192 192,192,192
clrActiveCaption 000,000,128 164,200,240
clrAppWorkspace 255,255,255 255,251,240
clrBtnFace 192,192,192 192,192,192
clrBtnShadow 128,128,128 128,128,128
clrBtnText 000,000,000 000,000,000
clrCaptionText 255,255,255 000,000,000
clrDesktop 128,128,000 160,160,164
clrGrayText 192,192,192 192,192,192
clrHiliteBk 000,000,128 164,200,240
clrHiliteText 255,255,255 000,000,000
clrInactiveBorder 192,192,192 192,192,192
clrInactiveCaption 255,255,255 255,255,255
clrInactiveCaptionText 000,000,000 000,000,000
clrMenu 255,255,255 255,255,255
clrMenuText 000,000,000 000,000,000
clrScrollbar 192,192,192 192,192,192
clrWindow 255,255,255 255,255,255
clrWindowFrame 000,000,000 000,000,000
clrWindowText 000,000,000 000,000,000