
  int FAR PASCAL WriteDialog(hJob, lpMsg, cch)    
  HANDLE hJob;    
  LPSTR lpMsg;    
  WORD cch;    

The WriteDialog function displays a message box containing the specified message. A driver uses this function to inform the user of a possible printing problem. For example, a driver for a printer using manual-paper loading can call WriteDialog to ask the user to place a new sheet in the printer. The print job will not continue printing until the user chooses the OK button in the message box. The user may also choose a Cancel button to cancel the print job.



Identifies the print job. The handle must have been previously opened using the OpenJob function.


Points to a null-terminated string containing the message to be displayed.


Specifies the number of bytes in the message pointed to by the lpMsg parameter.

Return Value

The return value is IDOK if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is IDCANCEL.

See Also
