
  WORD WNetWriteJob(hJob, lpData, lpcbData)    
  HANDLE hJob;    
  LPSTR lpData;    
  LPINT lpcbData;    

The WNetWriteJob function writes to a print job opened using the WNetOpenJob function.



Identifies the print job. It must have been previously created using the WNetOpenJob function. This handle does not need to be a file handle; it may now be any 16-bit number defined by the network driver.


Points to the data buffer.


Points to the variable containing the buffer size, in bytes. The network driver updates this value to the number of bytes actually written to the print job.

Return Value

The return value is one of the following values.

Value Meaning

WN_NET_ERROR A network error occurred.
WN_SUCCESS At least one byte was successfully written to the print job.


The export ordinal for this function is 24.

If WNetWriteJob is not supported by the network driver, Windows will continue to assume that the handle returned by WNetOpenJob is a file handle and use the MS-DOS write handle function to output data to the print job.

This function is not used in the current version of Windows.

See Also
