
Devicename = Filename,

The [display] section specifies the files and information required to install a display driver.



Specifies the name of the display device. This name must be unique in the SETUP.INF file, or any other information file.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the display-driver file.


Specifies an ASCII string describing the display driver. The string can be up to 47 characters long, but should be as concise as possible. It is placed in the display setting of the [boot.description] section of SYSTEM.INI. This parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").


Specifies the aspect ratio (relative dimensions) of the display device's pixels as well as the number of pixels-per-inch in both horizontal and vertical directions. This parameter must have the form:


The parameters AspectXY, LogPixelsX, and LogPixelsY are decimal values that are equal to the values of the dpAspectXY, dpLogPixelsX, and dpLogPixelsY members in the GDIINFO structure for the display driver.

Setup uses this information to determine which raster fonts to install for the device. Setup searches for matching fonts in the [sysfonts], [fixedfonts], [oemfonts], or [fonts] sections of the information file, then installs any matching fonts in the [fonts] section of the WIN.INI file. This parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("), exactly match the text in the [fonts] section, and not include spaces.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the standard-mode grabber for the display. Standard-mode grabbers for Windows 3.0 have the extension .GR2. For 3.1, the extension is .2GR.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the logo display code Setup uses to build the WIN.COM file. Logo display code files have the extension .LGO. Include the appropriate .LGO files for Windows 3.1 on your driver-installation disks.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the virtual-display device (VDD) that 386 enhanced-mode Windows uses. The standard naming convention for VDD files is to either begin or end the filename with “VDD,” for example VDDVGA.386. VDD filename extensions are “.386” as is the case with all other virtual devices.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the 386 enhanced-mode grabber for the display. The 386Grabber parameter also specifies the name of the 386-grabber fonts section. These fonts are found in the same information file as the grabbers. This section identifies the font files used by the grabber to draw text in MS-DOS application Windows. Enhanced-mode grabbers for Windows 3.0 have a .GR3 extension. For Windows 3.1, the extension is 3GR. For more information about the 386 grabber fonts section, see the following “Comments” section.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of an MS-DOS installable device driver used to virtualize the write-only registers on EGA display cards so that they can be read. This parameter is optional.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the logo module Setup uses to build the WIN.COM file. Logo data files have the extension .RLE. Include the appropriate .RLE files from Windows 3.1 on your driver installation disks.


Specifies the name of the additional information section (in the same information file) that contains additional commands for the Setup program to carry out when installing this display device. For example, this parameter is used for multiple-resolution displays. For more information about the additional-information section, see the following “Comments” section.


After installing the 386 enhanced-mode grabber specified by the 386Grabber parameter, Setup searches the same information file for a section having the same name as 386Grabber. This section lists the font files required to support the given grabber and has the form:

[386Grabber] ANSIFont,AlternateFont

The section contains one or more entries, each specifying two fonts: one for the ANSI character set, and another for an alternate character set (usually the International English character set, code page 850). A grabber may have more than one set of fonts if the display supports more than one display mode.

If the display driver supports multiple resolutions, the AdditionalInfo parameter can be used to direct Setup to add additional-specific information to an initialization file such as SYSTEM.INI, or to install files on which the display driver is dependent. During initialization, multiple-resolution display drivers examine the SYSTEM.INI file to determine how to respond to calls to the GetDriverResourceID function.

If the AdditionalInfo parameter is given, the information file must contain a resolution information section having the name specified by AdditionalInfo. This section has the form:

[AdditionalInfo] Filename,Destination,INI-Filename,Section,"DeleteLine","AddLine"

The following list outlines the parameters and provides a brief description of each.

Parameter Description

Filename Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the driver-support file such as a dynamic-link file required to operate this display driver. This parameter must have the form id:filename where id specifies a disk identifier. This parameter is optional.
Destination Specifies the Windows directory to receive the file specified by Filename. This parameter can be 0: or 0:system specifying the Windows root directory or the SYSTEM directory. This parameter is required only if a Filename parameter is given.
INI-Filename Specifies either WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI. Use SYSTEM.INI for all device-specific initialization settings. This parameter is optional.
Section Specifies the name of the section to modify in the given initialization file. This parameter, usually the same as the display driver's filename, is required only if an INI-Filename parameter is given.
DeleteLine Specifies a line of text to delete from the specified section in the initialization file. Setup uses the parameter as a regular expression to search for, and delete the first matching line. This search is not case sensitive. The parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").
AddLine Specifies a line of text to add to the specified section in the initialization file. The text must have the form keyname=value and must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").


This example defines a single display device (zga). The sections [ZGA.GR3], and [ZGAHI] define the screen-grabber fonts and display-resolution information, respectively.


zga = 1:zga.drv, "OEM ZGA Color", "133,96,72",

1:zgacolor.gr2, 1:zgalogo.lgo, 1:vddzga.386,

1:zga.gr3, 1:zga.sys, 1:zgalogo.rle,









See Also
